K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Leawyn Luxury

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Leawyn Luxury
Leawyn Lampion Ft.W. (KC SB4675CE)
Leawyn Lamelle
Leawyn Lametta
Leawyn Lamu Of Westernskely
Leawyn Latisha
Leawyn Lappalie
FT Ch Leawyn Lerche (KC SB3270CF)
Leawyn Lavahra
Leawyn Lasonia
Leawyn Lyrical (KC SB4683CE)
Leawyn Leola Of Pointraire Ft.W. (KC SB3257CD)
Leawyn Lamor (KC SB4676CD)
Leawyn Latosky
Leawyn Laza
Leawyn Lurella
Leawyn Lycia
Leawyn Lorica
Leawyn Lehara
Leawyn Lumairie
Leawyn Lenstal
Leawyn Linbert
GB FTCh Tibea Tosh (Other KCSB 2859BW)
FTW Tibea Cid (KC KCSB 5490BW)
Tibea Thyme (KC KCSB 5896 BX)
FTW Tibea Tipp (26689/90)
FTCh Palgrave Quin (Other KCSB 4343BS)
Palgrave Queenie (Other KCSB 2052BU)
Palgrave Nancy (Other KCSB 4308BS)
FTW Palgrave Quilder (KC SB1482BS)
GB.Ft.Ch. Palgrave Quest (KC KCSB 5591BS)
Palgrave Triton (Other KCSB 4158BU)
Palgrave Berry
Palgrave Tag of Findpoint (KC SB0576BW)
Palgrave Tolly
Palgrave Trixie
Palgrave Nectar
Palgrave Needle (KC SB 4310BS)
GB.Ft.Ch. Palgrave Nettle
Palgrave Nickel
Palgrave Nobby
Palgrave Quail
Palgrave Quaver Ft.W.
Palgrave Quick of Willowridge
Palgrave Quink
Palgrave Nicholas of Rytex (Other KCSB 6197BR)
FTCh Tibea Topaz (Other KCSB 3015BN)
Irl.Ft.Ch. Woodbrook Wonder of Leawyn
Danny Of Derramore
Whispering Cool Breeze
Ft.Ch. Jasmine Pal
Black Beauty Megan
Bessie Bumble
Star Shooter
Newry Fern Of Brocklebank
Beautiful Black Shadow
FTCh Broadville Adam (Other KCSB 4160BU)
FTW Broadville Afton
Irish Ft.Ch. Broadville Dusky of Ernevale (KC KCS 5624BW)
IR FT Ch Broadville Ava
Broadville Damsel of Mallowdale
Shandrum Broadville Anton
Ft.Ch. Broadville Alder
Broadville Daemon Ft.W. (KC SB 6073BW)
Irish Ft.Ch. Shooting Pal (Other KCSB 5945BR)
GB FTCh & Ir.FTCh Jasamine Star (KC SB5943BR)
Rampart Tidal-View
Leawyn Lewella
Leawyn Lurika
Leawyn Larrick (AKC SR16256101)
FTCh Kenwu Mackeson of Craigfelin (KC SB4423CH)
Neal's Milo Boy
Katie Sue
Fern Lady Of Leisure Of Glasbrook
Alice's Dancer
Julie's Nightlight Of Glasbrook
Swiftbrook Jaffa
FTW Swiftbrook Tan
Swiftbrook Jess
FTCh Birdbrook Arrow of Craigfelin (Other 5337BZ)
FTCh Birdbrook Aston of Bellever (Other KCSB 5495BZ)
FTCh Birdbrook Astra (KCSB 5219BZ)
Birdbrook Amey
Birdbrook Anton
Birdbrook Arnie
Birdbrook Atom Of Brackenbird
Birdbrook Ark
Birdbrook Ace
Birdbrook Amelia
Thornlands Cleo
Thornlands Coral at Kirkmoor
Leawyn Lavan
Leawyn Leadora Of Pointraire (KC SB3717CI)
Leawyn Lympus
Garendon Fly of Leawyn (KC SB0017CH)
Garendon Fay of Trioaks
Garendon Freddie
Garendon Flash
Garendon Fleck
Garendon Freda
Garendon Francis
Garendon Fioana
Leawyn Lurella
Leawyn Lamelle
Leawyn Lampion Ft.W. (KC SB4675CE)
Leawyn Lametta
Leawyn Lamu Of Westernskely
Leawyn Latisha
Leawyn Lappalie
FT Ch Leawyn Lerche (KC SB3270CF)
Leawyn Lavahra
Leawyn Lasonia
Leawyn Lyrical (KC SB4683CE)
Leawyn Leola Of Pointraire Ft.W. (KC SB3257CD)
Leawyn Lamor (KC SB4676CD)
Leawyn Latosky
Leawyn Laza
Leawyn Lycia
Leawyn Lorica
Leawyn Lehara
Leawyn Lumairie
Leawyn Lenstal
Leawyn Linbert

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