
Golden Retriever

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Zomarick Sir Wishmaster

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Zomarick Sir Wishmaster
Highroller Harricana Tank MH WC
HighRoller Chance
Highroller What A Beauty Bruna
Highroller Two Socks
Ganetta's Red Speaks UD
HRCH UH Highroller Marshall Matt Dillon MH WCX ** OS HTHF CCA MNH
SHR Highroller Adrenaline Rush JH, WC, OD
HighRoller Miss Money Penny
SHR HighRoller Speak Of The Devil OD
Highroller's Gamblin' Man UDX OM1 BN JH WC
High Times All R Money On Red CD MH ** MX MXJ OS
High Times Playa del Carmen
UH UCDX HRCH High Times Applejack's Pippin CD SH WCX CGC
UCD UH HRCH High Times Finn Fatale SH CD WCX CGC OD
High Times Life of Reilly JH
HRCH Hightimes Lorfld Birdstheword MH WCX OS
Pine Run's Top Gun CD MH WCX *** OS
Pine Run's Some Buddy MH **
Pine Run's Jester UD
Pine Run's Rebel Gage CD JH WC
Pine Run Smart Alec CD JH WCX
Pine Run's Lovin' Feeling
Pine Run's Magical Merlin
Pine Run's Intimidator
Pine Run Great Balls O'Fire
Pine Run's Mother Goose
UCD HR High Times All That Jazz II CD SH WCX CGC OD
High Times Sweet Water Sadie MH
UH HRCH GMH High Times Sweet Thunder Can. MH CD WCX
HRCH High Times Brodie of Sundown UD MH WCX CGC Can. CD
High Times Call Me Sirius MH WCX
High Times Lorfield Waytwokool CD MH WCX
High Times Hot Shot Hawkins MH OS
High Times Chip Shot MH
High Times Run'N Prophet JH
High Times Red River Raider SH WCX
SHR U-CDX Chasser's Pleasant Speaker CDX GO JH WCX CCA VC OD
Chasser's Golden Bullet
Chasser Georgia Bell
Chasser's Meyers Maggie Mae
Chasser's She's Sophine CD RA AX AXJ NF NAC NJC TN-N CGC
Chasser Max
Chasser's Wildwood Flower
Chasser's Wildwood Quest
Chasser's Hocus Pocus
Chasser's Bayview Golden Boy CGC TDI
AFC AFTCH Rosehill's Mr Speaker MH OS CCA FDHF
Choctaw's Dixieland Delight CGC
Sunny's Sports Fan
Shakin' Sambo Hillclimber
Jake Of Sunny Rain Check
Toffe (SN14124109)
Sunny's Daily Double
Teeca Otay Too **
Rocky Top's You Got Potential
Sunny's Bodacious Blonde
Christie's Golden Bell CD OD
Princess Winnifred II
Lady Jasmine Of Salmon Creek
Penny Kula Alvarez
Sir Houston Of Wilshire Park
Golden Ray Of Rhododendron Drive
Zomarick Lady Tesoro Maya
Zomarick Watertide
Zomarick Sir Buckenheim First
Zomarick Lady Kodi
Zomarick Sir Murpheous
Zomarick Lady Seibel
Zomarick Lady Osa
Zomarick Sir Ned
Zomarick Sir Bentley
Zomarick Lady Cannelle
Zomarick Lady La?ka
Zomarick Lady Saga
Zomarick Sir Malik
GMH HRCH UH Tidewaters Weekend Gladiator Can/Am CD WCX MH CCA OS
FTCH AFTCH Cedarpond's R.V. Am *** OS Can. FDHF
Cedarpond's Fairway Legend **
Cedarpond's Brunswick Mist
Cedarpond Am I Tuff Enuff CanWCX
Cedarpond Midas Dazzling Diana SH, WCX
GMHR Cedarpond RockErin Always Redy
FTCH GMHR Cedarpond Rockerin Beabhin *** OD
Cedarpond's Goldenboy Talia
Cedarpond Alberta Bound Can ***
Cedarpond Gabriel ***
Tigathoe's Cut of Cedarpond Can ***
Cedarpond's Makwa II Can*** WCX
FC FTCH AFTCH Cedarpond Brasdor Skywalker OS Can. FDHF
Cedarpond Blaine Splash Of Gold
Cedarpond Topbrass Canuck WCX JH
Cedarpond's First Power
Cedarpond Dash To Ambertrail
Cedarpond Wrassl Tassl Can ***
Cedarpond Ninja Red *** OS
FTCH Cedarpond's Nike *** Can FDHF
GMH Brimac's Lil' Red Devil Can/Am WCX MH
Brimac Maple Belle CanCD
Brimac's Lancelot Rebel Can WC Am MH
Lady Bess't of Zomarick WC, JH
Zomarick Sir Redworth CGN, WCI, SH
Zomarick's Sherlock
Soya de Zomarick
Timothy de Zomarick
Belle de Zomarick
Lilly Rose de Zomarick
Angie de Zomarick CD
Zomarick Lady Kamelia
Zomarick Sir Sirius
Zomarick Sir Duck Feather
Zomarick Lady Frida
Zomarick Lady Agatha
Lady's Spice of Zomarick
Zomarick Lady Flavia
Zomarick Sir Logan
Zomarick Lady Mistelle
Zomarick Lady Kalehua JH
Zomarick Sir Dudeley JH
Zomarick Lady Little Moose Lil
Zomarick Sir Titus
Zomarick Sir Tuuk
Zomarick Sir Hunter Buckingham
Zomarick Sir Chesterfield
Zomarick Sir Brandy
Zomarick Sir Fahrenheit
Zomarick sir Obie
Zomarick Sir Hobson CGN, JH
Hoosier Honey Sandy
Scotts Golden Chloe
Angus Mcgee Moose Mccloud
Golden Glen's Kvichak JH WCX
Zomarick Lady Huntess Of Adirondac CGN, JH
Adirondac Roxy Ann JH
Adirondac Gotta Go
Adirondac's Lefty
Adirondac Duffy Of Wallkill
Adirondac's Rugged Red Jasper
Red Mill's Lucille Hunter
Adirondac Red Honey
Adirondac Sissy Little Little
Adirondac Amber Gold

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