
Golden Retriever

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Golden Blessing's Ms Chloe

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Golden Blessing's Ms Chloe (FCI PERKIN 01-L9293)
Golden Blessing Ms Rose (PERKIN 01-L9291)
Golden Blessing's Ms Carol (FCI PERKIN 01-L9290)
Golden Blessing's Mr Tango (FCI PERKIN 01-L9288)
Golden Blessing's Mr Jackson
BIS BISS Br Ch/Can Ch/Ina Ch/Pan Ch Sun's Bay Goldentrip Blueberry (Other SPX/08/04758)
BrCH AmCH Br Sun's Bay Golden Trip Strawbery (FCI SPX/08/05684)
Sun's bay Goldentrip Pear
MBIS Ar Br Pan CH Nautilus Fox Mulder (AKC SN872209/03)
Nautilus Rodolfo Un Reno (AKC SR08013702)
Nautilus Chloe (AKC SR08013706)
Am.Ch Nautilus White Christmas (AKC SR08013701)
Am CH Nautilus Vanilla Ice OS (AKC SN71140203)
Nautilus Cappuchino Commotion (AKC SN71140202)
Nautilus Weall Scream Fricecream (AKC SN71140201)
Am CH Nautilus White Cliffs Winner (AKC SN60445811)
Br JCH CH GRCH Goodtime's Sunny Delight (AKC SN92852206)
Goodtime's Carrie On (AKC SR23904806)
BISS CH Goodtime's Non-Stop To Rio SDHF OS (AKC SR23904803)
CH Goodtime's Delta's Ready When You Are (AKC SR23904805)
Goodtime's Two Tickets to Paradise
Goodtime's Perrier on the Rox
Goodtime's Constant Comment CD, OAJ, AX, CGC,W-FD, R-FE/Alt-N, Vet MF/E (AKC SN92852204)
Am/Can Ch. Goodtime Argo Adrenalin Rush OA OAJ NAP SDHF OS CGC TDI (AKC SN92852202 (3-04))
Am CH Goodtime's Sprite's Delight (AKC SN92852203)
Am Ch Goodtime's Gatorade (AKC SN92852205)
BIS BISS Am CH Legacy's Standing Ovation SDHF Am and Can OS (AKC SN49155301 (3-00))
Am Ch Goodtime's Maine Squeeze OD (AKC SN69490601 (11-01))
Goodtime's California Dreamin'
Goodtime's Maine Attraction
Goodtime Raisin' Arizona (AKC SN69490603)
Goodtime's In A New York Minute
Jackson Love Goldenhaven
Can. Ch. Jackson's The Color Of Money (CKC NJ880965)
Jackson's Diva
CanCH Jackson's Boomer Boy (CKC NJ880967)
MBIS.Can/Br/BrGr/Pan/Ina/Int CH. Jackson's Show Me The Money SDHF (CKC KC650882)
Can Ch. Jackson's Nova At Dakotasun Can.CD (CKC KC650884)
Jackson's The One For Amberview
Can CH. Jackson's Everlasting Gaze
Jackson's Breakfast of Champions (CKC MU849238)
Can/Am CH. Jackson's Golden Graham (CKC MU849240)
CanCh. Jackson's Capt.Crunch (CKC MU849235)
CanCH Jackson's Sugar Pops
Can CH Jackson's Waltzing Matilda BPISS, BPIS, OD (CKC JN599759)
CanCH Jackson's Waltz In A Dream (CKC JN599758)
Jackson's Nikita At Goldntyme
BPIS Can. Ch. Amberview's Heart Throb (CKC LC724182)
Can. Ch. Amberview Angelheart Sandspur
Can. CH. Amberview's Heart Of A Legend
RBIS Can. Ch. Amberview's Brave Heart SDHF (CKC LC724185)
Can. CH. Amberview Heart Of Dovecottage
Jackson's Pied Piper (CKC MJ805989)
BPIS Can. Ch. Jacksons Edelweiss Vanilla Sky OD (CKC LU771644)
BIS CanCH Jackson's You R My Sunshine (CKC MJ819353)
Jackson Wonder of Amagination (CKC LU771632)
Jackson's Tilly Chasse (CKC LU771624)
PH HOF Jackson Escalade of Exemplar (Other PCCISB 3512H1)
Ch.Braz./Ch.Pan./Gr.Ch.Braz Jackson's Thunder Of Golden Kima (CKC A1829)
CanCH Jackson's Waltzn to Goldyntyme (MJ819356)
Jackson's Golden Sunset Diva

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