
Golden Retriever

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Int.Ch,Srb - Mk.Ch,Srb.Jun.Ch. Evita The Golden Promise

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Int.Ch,Srb - Mk.Ch,Srb.Jun.Ch. Evita The Golden Promise
Eleonore The Noble One
Soul Simphony Night in Paris
CH.Srb Edward The Ruler
Edgar The Valley Prince
Ser Ch Swanavly Royal Crimson JW
Ch Sr Swanavly Royal Carnelian
ChSr Swanavly Royal Vermilion
ChSr Swanavly Royal Cardamon
ChSr Swanavly Royal Carmen
ChSr Swanavly Royal Scarlet
Ch Sr Swanavly Royal Persimonne
Swanavly Royal Alzarinne
ChSr, ChMac. Swanavly Royal Rosilla JCh
INT CH, FR/PT/LUX/DK/NORW/SWE CH Mitcharron Love Bug of Francosvaley (FCI LOE1580633)
Mitcharron Love Affair with Arkathia
Linchael Orpheus of Rossgilde (ab03865006)
Linchael Lohengrin at Gaelleda
Eng.Sh.Ch Linchael Vivaldi JW
Mitcharron Memphis Jazz
IntCh,SerCh,JCh,Jun Club W. '07, ClubWin '08,'09. Swanavly Nordic Breeze (FCI JR 82470 Zr)
Swanavly Nordic Memories (Other JR 82471 Zr)
IntCh,SerCH, Club Winner '08,'09 Swanavly Nordic Sun
Bulg.Club Winner 08 Swanavly Nordic Pride
GER VDH CH. & CLUB CH. CRUFTS qualifiied 2016 Swanavly Nordic Venture
Swanavly Nordic Adventure
SerCH Swanavly Nordic Seal Ch Reproduction
NUCH Siatham Raynor (Other N06213/97)
French.Int.Ch. Trialer Siatham Roxelana (Other LOF 019841/03254)
Siatham Renita
Siatham Riva at Gwelo
Siatham Robinson of Mulfield
Int.Ch & Yu.Ch.CruftsQual for Life Swanavly San Simone Club Winner Best Bitch2004 (FCI JR71559Zr)
Ch. Swanavly San Bernanda
SCG Ch. Swanavly San Katrina (Other JR71557Zr)
JW, Yu Ch. CH SCG Swanavly San Francisco (FCI JR 71555 zr)
Swanavly San Marino
Int.Ch. & Yu Ch.Crufts Qual.for Life Swanavly San Mathea Club Winner Best Bitch 2005 (FCI JR71558Zr)
Intl CH. Swanavly San Gabriel d'Quapaw (AKC SN91033701 (10-08))
Ch.Srb Virginia Golden Dog From Petrus (FCI Jr 701007 Zr)
Int.Ch,Multi Ch,Multi Jun.Ch Erinderry Night Dreamer National Working Ch.,Clubwinner 09' (FCI KC AG00322902)
Ir Sh Ch Erinderry Nightingale
D.CH; VDH.CH.,D.Vet.CH; D.Vet.CH.VDH; Erinderry Night to Remember
Dt. Champion (DRC & VDH) Erinderry Night of Delight Deutscher Jugendchampion (DRC & VDH)
Multi CH Erinderry White Satin Night
Eng.Sh.Ch Marjamez Midnight Cowboy at Westervane JW (UKC KCSB 0561CI)
Marjamez Midas Touch
Marjamez Mission of Love at Whitehills
Eng. SH. CH. Marjamez Memories At Linchael (UKC KC Reg. V3270605V03)
Marjamez Milli Vanilli
Erinderry Gaelic Breeze
Erinderry Gaelic Summer (Other U48952)
Erinderry Harry Potter of Ventess (AKC SR09242701 (11/03))
SU(U)CH NORDV-03 NUCH, VWW-08 Erinderry Gaelic Minstrel (Other KCSB1901CN)
Erinderry Gaelic Song
Erinderry Gaelic Mist
Erinderry Hannah of Salako
Erinderry Hamlet
Sh. Ch. Erinderry Gaelic Gold Of Glenavis (Other KC Reg. AA00427703)
Erinderry Hercules
Sunflower Valley Angel of Danubia
Sunflower Valley Alabama Blues
Sunflower Valley Arlecchino
CH Sunflower Valley American Dream
Sunflower Valley African Song
CH Srb. Sunflower Valley's Arabian Nights
ICH, Multi CH, Nat.Work.Ch Erinderry King Of The Blues Working Test - 2xCACT
Ir Sh Ch Erinderry Kashia Star
Erinderry Kashia Brave
JCH Ballada Fekete Domino (Other 82055)

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