
Golden Retriever

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Son of Jeff

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Son of Jeff
Son of Earl
Earl of Whitelaw
Ginger Of Ladue
Golden Eagle's Amber
Am. CH. Golden Eagle Of Audlon II
Bandho's Apache
Forever Arundel's Amber
Everybody From Kenwood
My Golden Baby (S580124)
Edgewood's Golden Buddy (16.5 years)
Mid-Knight Sun of Audlon
Golden Galleon
Goldtown Drummer
Can. FTCH King's Ransom II ***
Miss Pebbles Of Treve
Goldtown Dancer CD
Royal Flush II ***
NFC AFC Can. FC Ready Always of Marianhill OS FDHF (13.5 years)
Gypsy Gold (S409047)
Golden Boy X
Golden Lad III
Strike's Copper Lady
Golden Chance II
Golden Teddy
Jon's Joy Of Goldwasser
Merryall's Golden Lady
Princess Betsy O'Lynn
The Golden Nugget Of Jeep Farm
Tristram Tyg
Princess Midas Of Heart
Dan's Pride
Mary's Mistress
Heidi of Belleau Hills
Am. CH. Golden Eagle Of Audlon II
Bandho's Apache
Am. CH. Gilder of Elsiville OS (7.5 years)
Cheeta (S095405)
Gypsy Of Gold Digger
Kilroy (S095403)
Des Lacs Cleo
Goldtown Dancer CD
Mid-Knight Sun of Audlon
Golden Galleon
Goldtown Drummer
Can. FTCH King's Ransom II ***
Miss Pebbles Of Treve
Royal Flush II ***
NFC AFC Can. FC Ready Always of Marianhill OS FDHF (13.5 years)
Gypsy Gold (S409047)
Golden Boy X
Golden Lad III
Strike's Copper Lady
Golden Chance II
Golden Teddy
Jon's Joy Of Goldwasser
Merryall's Golden Lady
Princess Betsy O'Lynn
The Golden Nugget Of Jeep Farm
Tristram Tyg
Princess Midas Of Heart
Dan's Pride
Mary's Mistress

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