
Golden Retriever

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A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

BIS.CH.AM.CH.CAN.GRD.CH.BR.GRD.VENC.NACIONAL Br Golden Sunshine Mission Fatale (AKC SR66170001)
BR CH&GRCH, PAN CH&GRCH, GT CH, SV CH. INT.CH. Golden Sunshine Fatal Style BIS, BISS (Other RG/RJG/07/02053)
BIS, BISS, BR.CH., BR.GR.CH. Golden Sunshine Parfum Fatale (Other RG/RJG/07/02055)
BR.CH., BR.GR.CH. Golden Sunshine Beaute Fatale (Other RG/RJG/07/02054)
Phil.CH , Th.CH , Br.CH , BR.GrCh , Pan.GrCh Golden Sunshine Fatal Premonition (Other cbkcRJG/RG/07/02052)
BISS. CHBR. BR Golden Sunshine Fatal Power (Other RJG/07/02051)
BIS BISS Br GCH CH Int Nac Venc CH Freedom of Golden Spirit (AKC SR38037301)
BIS BISS. Br CH&GCH/ Pan CH&GCH. First Lady of Golden Spirit (Other CBKC)
M BIS.Ina CH Forever Yours of Golden Spirit
Field Flower of Golden Spirit
Fingerprint of Golden Spirit (Other Spq/04/01610)
Br.Ch. Br.Gr.Ch. Feel my Heart of Golden Spirit
Br GCH CH Ar Pan CH Golden Trip Life's a Beach
BIS BIS CH.BOL.GR.CH.BOL.CH.LAT. Golden Trip's Classic Zack (Other 1586KCB)
Golden Trip's Legal Thunder (Other SPAI/01/04099)
Gr.Ch.Bras Ch.Uru Ch.Pan Ch.Int GOLDENTRIP'S LIBERTY EXCALIBUR (Other SPAI/01/04103)
golden trip's legend excalibur
Multi Bis , Gr.Venc.Nac ,Gr.Ch.Bras.Gr.CH.Bras GoldenTrip's Forever Red Wolf
Ch.Bras Ch.Pan J.CH Golden Trip's Frozen Tequila
BISS Can Int Arg Br Pan CH Golden Trip's First Victoria (Other RG/SPAI/99/04097)
BIS Multi BISS Brz. Can. Arg. Urg. Pan. Int. Ch. Golden Trip's Lady Sandy (Other RG/SPAI/01/04093)
Br GCh Int Ch Golden Trip's Freedom Walk (Other SPAI/99/04084)
Ch.Braz,Ch.Pan Golden Trip's Farouck El Kubar
J.Ch.Braz. Golden Trip's Lighting Bolt (Other SPAI/ 01/ 04101)
BIS Gr.Venc.Nac./Br./Pan./Int./Arg. CH. Golden Trip Magic Victoria Multi BIS (Other RG/SPAI/01/04095)
ChBr. Golden Trip's Free Way
BIS/BISS Br GrChInt Pan Ch Golden Trip's Limited Edition (Other RG/SPAI/01/04100)
WW'04 Multi Mini BIS Golden Trip's Victory Never Ends
Golden Trip Victoria yo've got my life
Goldentrip it Had to be a Victory
Bras.Ch Golden Trip's Victory Thunder King Ovation
Gr.Ch.Int.Pan Goldentrip Victory Case of Love
Golden Trip Victory Lap
BIS Int Ar Br CH Golden Trip's Victoria Thanks A Million (FCI RG/SPAI/02/05093)
BIS, BISS, Gr.Ch.Br.Gr. Ch.Pan. Ch. Arg. Ch.Ur. Goldentrip Victoria Go On (Other RG/SPX/05/05046)
Goldentrip Victory Japaxrappa (Other Spx/05/05039)
Ch.Ven.Pr.Pe Goldentrip Victory Beyond Reason (SPX/05/05044)
BIS. Am/Br/Pan/Int Ch Golden Trip's Victory Vagabond Lover (Other RG/SPAI/02/05085)
Gr.Ch.Int.Pan Golden Trip's Victoria Ultimate Sensation
Golden Trip Victory of Fire
BIS BISS Arg Br Col Ch. Goldentrip Victory Love at First Site (Other FCA 22742)
Gr.Ch.Pan. Goldentrip Victory Latin Lover
BrCh PanCh Golden Trip's Victory King of All (Other RG/SPAI/02/05088)
Ch Gr Int Golden Trip Victoria Hugs and Kisses
Fame Fatale De Jazz
CH & GRAND.CH.ARG.CH.Ecuatoriano Jesse James de Jazz (Other 13450)
Fiona de Jazz (Other 13456)
Poison Ivy de Jazz
CH Ven LIB. Bye Bye Pampa Mia de Jazz (Other FCV-105-126523)
London Bill de Jazz (Other FCA/13451)
MBIS Ar Br Pan CH Nautilus Fox Mulder (AKC SN872209/03)
Nautilus Rodolfo Un Reno (AKC SR08013702)
Nautilus Chloe (AKC SR08013706)
Am.Ch Nautilus White Christmas (AKC SR08013701)
Beautiful Day U2 de la mascotera (Other 7262)
eihwas runas de la mascotera
Barbour Gold's Polo La Aurora (Unknown CBKC)
J.Ch.Ur.Ch.Ur.N?1GoldKcu06 Barbour Gold's Polo Monte Indio
Barbour Gold's Polo La Martina
Barbour Golds Polo La Manuela
Barbour Golds Hollywood Aster
Y Pe Ch Pe Barbour Golds Hollywood Wood (Other FCA -10156)
CH.BOL. Barbour Golds Polo La Enriqueta
Jov Ch Chi Ch.Gch.Chi Chi Arg. Americas y Caribe Barbour Golds Hollywood Day BISS, BOB, BOG (Other KCC 279327)
ArUrLat.IntChUrGrChVeSicVChCatW04 N?1GolKcu030405 Halloween Touch of Heaven (Other KCU 266)
Halloween Only in Dreams
Halloween Reach For Heaven (Other KCU 269 03/00)
Ur.Ch.Br.Ch Halloween Heaven Scent
Halloween Just Dreaming
C G E Halloween Stairway To Heaven
Ch. Br. Gr. Ch. Halloween In My Dreams
Ur.Br.Ch.Gr.Ch.Bras Nautilus Walking On Sunshine (AKC SN53372402)
Nautilus Catch Of The Day (AKC SN-255948/06)
Am CH Nautilus King Neptune BISS OS (AKC SN-255948/01)
Nautilus G'Wood Shrimpcocktail (AKC SN-255948/05)
Br GCH CH Int Pan CH Nautilus Pikaboo Street (AKC SN53372401)
Nautilus Mystar Shrimpscampi (AKC SN-255948/02)
Nautilus Labyrinth Eddie (AKC SN-255948/03)
Ch. Nautilus Rock Lobster Newberg (AKC SN-255948/04)
Ur.Br.Ch. Nautilus Summer Sunrise (AKC SN53372601)
Nautilus Twin-Beau-D Paradise (AKC SN53372606)
Nautilus National Lampoon (AKC SN413025/03)
Nautilus Briggs' Blu Topaz (AKC SN48556704)
Am. CH Nautilus King of the Jungle (AKC SN72774901)
Am. Int. CH Nautilus Scotlandyard Bobby (AKC SN59829503)
CH Nautilus Mercedes Benz Rule (AKC SN48556703)
Nautilus Taramegs Surfer Gal (AKC SN72774904)
Nautilus People R Talking (AKC SN727749/06)
Nautilus Kamio Anna And The King (AKC SN72774905)
AmCH Nautilus Fabulous Kisser (AKC SN598295/02)
Nautilus Crown Victoria (AKC SN48556707)
AmCH Nautilus National Anthem (AKC SN413025/01)
Nautilus Ryvawin Rolls Royce (AKC SN485567/08)
Nautilus National Velvet (AKC SN413025/02)
BISS Am. CH Nautilus Flirt In The Jaguar OD (AKC SN48556702)
CH Nautilus Heart of the Ocean
Barbour Gold's Magnetic Maggie
Arg Gr Ch Snowshoe's Wild Escape
Snowshoe Dichi Island Escape (AKC SN669814/04)
MBIS MBISS Am CH. Snowshoe's Escape to Big Sky OS SDHF (AKC SN66981402 (5-01))
Arg Ch Royal Brekfast at Tiffany
Royal Crest Gold-N Basic Instinct for alveston (X0095427X02)
Royal Crest Gold-N Moviestar
Royal Crest Gold-n Forget me not (Other LO99125990)
Royal Crest Gold-n SailorBoy (FCI RC163118)

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