K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Denbank Corrie

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Denbank Corrie
Denbank Cara
Denbank Connie
Denbank Christy
Denbank Classic
Denbank Charlie
UK FTCh Denbank Cleo of Lochmuir (KC SB3035CN)
Denbank Ovide of Featherfly
Denbank Casper
FTCh Saxaphone Express (Other KCSB 3384CH)
Saxaphone Explorer
Saxaphone Eagle
Saxaphone Elsupremo
Saxaphone Epic
Saxaphone Eskimo Nel
Saxaphone Europa
FTCh Lafayette Tolley (Other KCSB 3420CD)
Lafayette Tarka
Lafayette Quail
Lafayette Bracken
Lafayette Lombarda
FTCh Kilderkin Renoir (KC SB 4572BV)
Kilderkin Brewer
Kilderkin Painter
Kilderkin Fly
FTW Black Purdey of Keswick (Other KCSB 5922BY)
FTW Mallowdale Dora of Saxaphone (Other KCSB 3796CB)
Mallowdale Don
Mallowdale Dan
Mallowdale Dash
Mallowdale Debbra
Mallowdale Dot of Crosbyrose (Other KCSB 3689CD)
FTCh Palgrave Quin (Other KCSB 4343BS)
Palgrave Queenie (Other KCSB 2052BU)
Palgrave Nancy (Other KCSB 4308BS)
FTW Palgrave Quilder (KC SB1482BS)
GB.Ft.Ch. Palgrave Quest (KC KCSB 5591BS)
Palgrave Triton (Other KCSB 4158BU)
Palgrave Berry
Palgrave Tag of Findpoint (KC SB0576BW)
Palgrave Tolly
Palgrave Trixie
Palgrave Nectar
Palgrave Needle (KC SB 4310BS)
GB.Ft.Ch. Palgrave Nettle
Palgrave Nickel
Palgrave Nobby
Palgrave Quail
Palgrave Quaver Ft.W.
Palgrave Quick of Willowridge
Palgrave Quink
Palgrave Nicholas of Rytex (Other KCSB 6197BR)
FTAW Wiltonpark Carousel
Wiltonpark Cantata Of Mallowdale
Wiltonpark Coral
Wiltonpark Carnival (Other KCSB 4202BZ)
FTW Kilpunt Pippit (KC SB3748CJ)
Kilpunt Pan
FTW Glenbriar Sunny of Kilpunt (Other KCSB 3844CF)
Glenbriar Dazzle
Glenbriar Lexus
Glenbriar Sparky
Glenbriar Black Betty Of Varingo
Glenbriar Coffe Of Like'im
Glenbriar Tammy of Follybreeze
Glenbriar Kit
Glenbriar Lass Of Gaelforce
Glenbriar Poacher
Glenbriar Black Arrow
Glenbriar Crest
Glenbriar Fellow
Glenbriar Sabina Of Dugmorecreek
FTCh Glenbriar Dare (KC KCSB 4443BU)
Glenbriar Connie
Glenbriar Dabble
Glenbriar Dollar
Glenbriar Dexy
Glenbriar Dina
Glenbriar Dandy
Glenbriar Dime
Glenbriar Della
Glenbriar Dee
IrlFTCh Glenbriar Quest (Other KCSB 6048BY)
FTCh Glenbriar Jazz (Other KCSB 5401CA)
Glenbriar Tilly
Glenbriar Jason Ft.W. (KC KCSB 5260CA)
Toberhewny Raza
Glenbriar Jock
Kilpunt Jasmine
GB.Ft.Ch. Moss of Trevale (KC SB4112BU)
Tavy Girl from Badgerland
Duke Of Latchbrook
Hallane Ladock
Haretor Sheba
Haretor Swift
Jess Of Trevale
Wyndford Kerry of Kilpunt
Wyndford Brook of Kilpunt
Wyndford Kali of Kilpunt (Other KCSB 3359CE)
Wyndford Kizzi

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