K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Braidenvale Spice

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Braidenvale Spice (28/25)
Braidenvale Sprite Of Pasturelands (6/6)
Braidenvale Spellbrook
Braidenvale Sprightly
FTCh Braidenvale Spinnaker (BVA 4/8)
FTCh Braidenvale Speiran Of Quabrook (5/4)
GB FTCh Endacott Stoer of Quabrook (BVA 3/4)
Endacott Piper (BVA 4/4)
Endacott Fable (BVA 4/5)
Endacott Fergal of Waterscot (BVA 5/6)
Endacott Finch (BVA 3/4)
Endacott Firecrest (BVA 4/5)
Endacott Early Edition (BVA 5/3)
Endacott Eider (BVA 4/4)
Endacott Equerry (BVA 2/2)
FTW Endacott Spindle (BVA 4/4)
Endacott Sahara
Endacott Sandgrouse
Endacott Drummer
Endacott Nightjar
Endacott Truffle
Endacott Blewit
Endacott Artist
Endacott Explorer
Endacott Exchequer
Endacott Entertainer
Endacott Egret
Endacott Ebony
Endacott Furlong
Endacott Flycatcher
Endacott Fantail
FTW Ewshot Liffey (BVA 5/6)
Ashe Warren Cloonee (BVA 9/10)
Cocum Cleo (BVA 7/7)
Dancing Lady Megan (BVA 2/4)
Fergus Of Waldowhoe (BVA 1/2)
Palgrave Triton (0/0)
FTCh Palgrave Quin (BVA 2/2)
Palgrave Queenie
Palgrave Nancy
FTW Palgrave Quilder
GB.Ft.Ch. Palgrave Quest
Palgrave Berry
Palgrave Tag of Findpoint
Palgrave Tolly
Palgrave Trixie
Palgrave Nectar
Palgrave Needle
GB.Ft.Ch. Palgrave Nettle
Palgrave Nickel
Palgrave Nobby
Palgrave Quail
Palgrave Quaver Ft.W.
Palgrave Quick of Willowridge
Palgrave Quink
Palgrave Nicholas of Rytex
Ashe Warren Cassie
FTCh Carnochway Daniel (BVA 4/5)
Rockinch Ben
FTCh Endacott's Queen (BVA 2/2)
Endacott Carnival Cassie
Endacott Cavalier
Endacott Commander
Endacott Centurion
UK FTCh Swinbrook Twig (BVA 2/3)
Swinbrook Teak (BVA 0/5)
Swinbrook Tide
Swinbrook Tina (3/2)
Swinbrook Tag
Swinbrook Trade (2/2)
Swinbrook Tern
Chippinghurst Ptmarmagin
Chippinghurst Rook
Chippinghurst Raven
Chippinghurst Curlew
Chippinghurst Siskin
Chippinghurst Skylark
Chippinghurst Lapwing
Chippinghurst Plover
FTCH Barweston Ebb of Braidenvale (BVA 9/14)
FTAW Barweston Elite (1/5)
Barweston Eager
Barweston Endeavour
Barweston Excel
Barweston Emblem
Barweston Elm (3/3)
Barweston Elder
FTCh Follyoakwood Boris (BVA 5/7)
Follyoakwood Bonnie
Follyoakwood Berry
Follyoakwood Betsy
Follyoakwood Belle Of Dolbrenin
Follyoakwood Beau (BVA 3/5)
Follyoakwood Brisk (4/5)
FTCh Tasco Broom-Tip of Carnochway (BVA 6/3)
FTW Tasco Yellow Belle of Stormwatch (BVA 3/3)
Tasco Small Rufous (BVA 5/7)
Tasco Yellow Shell (BVA 13/8)
Tasco Red Chestnut
Tasco White Satin
Tasco Gipsy Moth
Folly Lark (BVA 1/0)
Christopher Columbus
My Knight In Shining Armour
Huntondown Katie
Norsebury Maiden
Great Guy George of Waterscot (1/2)
Dandelys Chloe (2/0)
FTW Staftly Mayfly of Barweston (3/6)
Staftly Majestic (6/8)
Staftly Mercedes Of Blackisle (BVA 7/7)
Staftly Moondust At Berkswell (5/6)
Staftly Marcus
Staftly Morison
Staftly Monarch
FTCh Ben of Mallowdale
FTW Ashbrooke Alfie (BVA 5/2)
Seafin Ruby
Tup's Indispensable
Flashmount Tress
Flashmount Tare
Flashmount Taff (3/2)
Flashmount Teazel (12/6)
Flashmount Toss (7/7)
Flashmount Trojan
Flashmount Twist
Flashmount Twig (5/5)
Flashmount Trip

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