K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Leaworthy Samuel of Gospelash

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Leaworthy Samuel of Gospelash (UKC AP03871409)
Leaworthy Albert
Leaworthy Bella
Leaworthy Bobby
Leaworthy Edward at Cordomsal
Leaworthy Ella
Leaworthy Jimmy
Leaworthy Lilly
Leaworthy Rocky
FTCh Waterford Ganton (Other KCSB 4331CV)
Waterford Gairloch
Waterford Gem
Waterford Gusto
Waterford Ghillie of Wendearose
FTCh Waterford Galahad of Tasco
Waterford Gamble of Dipplelodge
FTW Endacott Kite of Chisbrook
Wendearose Franc
Wendearose Copper
Wendearose Penny
Wendearose Ruble
Wendearose Nickel of Roundcopse
Wendearose Euro
Endacott Kestrel
Endacott Kudu
Endacott Kane
Endacott Kittiwake
Endacott Kiwi
Endacott Kess
FTW Wendearose Dime
Wendearose Lira of Decies
Wendearose Dollar
FTCh Hatchfield Feargal (KC SB 4160CI)
Hatchfield Fen
Hatchfield Fergus
FTCh Hatchfield Fern (KC KCS 2615CI)
Hatchfield Finch of Follyoakwood
Hatchfield Flair of Riversway
Hatchfield Forty
Hatchfield Frost at Broomwood
Hatchfield Fable
Hatchfield Flora Of Plumpton
FTW Endacott Guinea (Other KCSB 4721CJ)
Endacott Glasha
Endacott Gunsmith
Endacott Gun Dealer of Moreteyne
Endacott Genius
Endacott Gun Slip
Endacott Gun Slinger
Endacott Gun Bearer
Endacott Gunner
Endacott Gunshot
FTCh Waterford Easter (Other KCSB 4650CS)
Waterford Endeavour
FTW Waterford Envoy of Heathergaye
Int.FTCh Waterford Edward of Tasco
Waterford Elvis
Waterford Ember of Abney
Waterford Elcamino
FTCh Dipplelodge Raven of Riversway (KC KCSB 4529CN)
FTW Dipplelodge Rossetti
Dipplelodge Bronte
Dipplelodge Shelley
Dipplelodge Trollope
Dipplelodge Milton
FTCh Waterford Covey (Other KCSB 4733CM)
Waterford Chaffinch
Waterford Charlie
FTCh Waterford Chrism (Other KCSB 4172CM)
Waterford Calibre (Other KCSB 4544CM)
Waterford Chloe
Leaworthy Jessie
Leaworthy Almond of Gospelash (AL04705907)
Leaworthy Gordanna
Leaworthy Blue
Leaworthy Lottie
Leaworthy Lovely
Leaworthy of Ash Mill
Leaworthy Sam
FTCh Mediterian Blue (Other KCSB 2519CP)
FTW Ceader View
Beach Comba of Liddlesbrook
Ebony Black as Night
Summer Satin
Mustard Spice
Ash Coppice
Hopefull Willow
Teak Street
Artic White
FTCh Endacott Shelf (Other KCSB 3759CH)
Endacott Holly
Endacott Swift of Brindlebay
FTCh Endacott Soames of Riversway (Other KCSB 4420CI)
Endacott Storm
Endacott Sweep
Endacott Sally
Endacott Seal
Endacott Seeka
FTW Drakeshead Evie (Other KCSB 3346CL)
Drakeshead Eros
Drakeshead Daz
FTCH Drakeshead Deana (KC SB4011CK)
Drakeshead Dee
Drakeshead Dove
Drakeshead Eppie
Drakeshead Delta
Drakeshead Drummer
Drakeshead Dillon
Drakeshead Dimple
Drakeshead Dollar
Drakeshead Dulcie
Drakeshead Emott
Drakeshead Elias
Drakeshead Esme
Drakeshead Eliza (II)
Drakeshead Ella
Wyvernaxe Annabel of Highdunscott (AE01951803)
Wyvernaxe Elizabeth Of Flintriver
FTCh Craighorn Bracken (KCSB 3306CI) (KC SB 3306CI)
Craighorn Heidi of Caulliechat
FTW Craighorn Coll (Other KCSB 2705CI)
Craighorn Teal
FTCh Craighorn Garry (KC SB 1964CJ)
Craighorn Todd
Craighorn Magpie
FTW Craighorn Scott
Craighorn Honey
Craighorn Holly (AKC SN74560101)
UH HRCH Craighorn Hardy MH (AKC SN74560601)
Craighorn Teak
Craighorn Grouse
Craighorn Esk (1999)
Craighorn Dipper of Drakeshead
Graighorn Tweed
Craighorn Blaze
Craighorn Jade
Craighorn Maggie
Craighorn Tinker
Craighorn Rena
Wyvernaxe Billet

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