
Golden Retriever

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Rayleas Valentino

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Rayleas Valentino
Rayleas Venetia
Rayleas Mister Copper
CH Rayleas Mister Tate
Eng. Ch. Lovehayne Quentin JW, S.G.W.C.
Lovehayne Quinton for Dreamwel
Lovehayne Queen Bee by Gatchells
Lovehayne Quassia
Gatchells Jazz Player JW
Glenmoray Vichy to Lovehayne
Glenmoray Jasmine for Hamanay
Rayleas Treacle Tart
ENG CH. Rayleas Dempsey
Rayleas Delilah of Pinecrest
Rayleas Drusilla Of Reedlands
Rayleas Dulcibelle At Largymore
Rayleas Candyfloss
Rayleas Candyfloss
Rayleas Gelert
Rayleas Gilda
Hurricane Chas Of Rayleas
Deanwood Celyn of Rayleas
Deanwood Blaguls Ci (0/0)
Deanwood Cadwal
Deanwood Carmel
Deanwood Collen
Deanwood Cristyn
Deanwood Nogin (0/0)
Deanwood Ena
Deanwood Cerian of Rayleas
Rojillair March Breeze to Rayleas
Rojillair Marchita
Rojillair Quick March
UK. CH. Rayleas Caluimn
Rayleas Carumba
Rayleas Columbine Of Steddles
Rayleas Columbus
Rojillair Autumnal Bliss

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