
Golden Retriever

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Just Joschi vom Walderkamm

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Just Joschi vom Walderkamm (HD A)
Just Jackpot vom Walderkamm (FCI HD A)
Just Jalou vom Walderkamm (HD B)
Juste JoliSoleil vom Walderkamm (HD A/A)
Just Sitara vom Walderkamm (B)
Just Jumper vom Walderkamm (FCI HD A)
FTW Just Jillis vom Walderkamm (HD A/A)
Precious Sem van de Woudstreek (FCI A1/A1)
Precious Boy vd Woudstreek (A1)
Pepper vd Woudstreek (A1)
Precious Timber vd Woudstreek (A1)
Polle vd Woudstreek
Prince Olaf vd Woudstreek (A1)
Pally Ruby vd Woudstreek (A1)
Prima Donna vd Woudstreek (A1)
Puma v.d. Woudstreek (A1)
Prima Wapsy vd Woudstreek
Boy Quiver Creek's Owlsburgh (B1)
HR Quiver Creeks Miss Molly JH WC
Bewitched St. Paulie Girl Am/Can CD (OFA GR-73211G25F-PI)
Bewitched Speaking of Tina (OFA GR-74225E28F-PI)
Red of Quiver Creek SH WC
AFC AFTCH Rosehill's Mr Speaker MH OS CCA FDHF (OFA GR-52113E24M-T)
Choctaw's Dixieland Delight CGC (OFA GR-60671G24F-T)
Sunny's Sports Fan
Shakin' Sambo Hillclimber
Jake Of Sunny Rain Check
Toffe (SN14124109)
Sunny's Daily Double
Teeca Otay Too **
Rocky Top's You Got Potential
Sunny's Bodacious Blonde (OFA GR-52514E26F)
HRCH Taz Of Red Oak SH (OFA GR-55640G25F-T)
Nimble v.d. Woudstreek (B1)
Noah v.d. Woudstreek
Nick v.d. Woudstreek
Noble Fellow v.d. Woudstreek
Nikos vd Woudstreek
New Milou vd Woudstreek
Way-Out's Orion (B1)
Way-Out's Only Joyce (B1B2)
Way-Out's Always Amazing Amy (B1)
Way-Out's Quby
Way-Out's Piece of Joy
Way-Out's Pijlades
Way-Out's Sunshine Balou
Way-Out's Only Guy
Way-Out's Dundee
Way-Out's Only Samantha
Way-Out's Sheila
Way-Out's VIP
Way-Out's Windmill Girl
Way-Out's Crackerjack Ginny (B1)
Way-Out's Elfra
Little Spica v.d. Woudstreek (B1)
Lucky Luuk v.d. Woudstreek (HD B1B2)
Lucas v.d. Woudstreek
Lars v.d. Woudstreek
Limit v.d. Woudstreek
Little Joey v.d. Woudstreek
Lizzy v.d. Woudstreek
Windwood's Flower Of The West (FCI A1/A1)
Windwood's Always The Winner (A1/B1)
LPI.LPII. Windwood's Hearts Of Olden Glory (B1)
Windwood's Loch Lomond (A/B)
Windwood's May Morning (A1)
Windwood's Once In A Lifetime (A1)
Windwood's Pride Of The Summer (FCI B1/ C1)
DK.BR.CH Clockburn Clooneen (B1/B1)
Clockburn Clonevin (BVA 5:6)
Clockburn Cloonouragh
Clockburn Coolcran
Clockburn Curcullen
Clockburn Killacorrane (BVA 3:3)
Clockburn Craghderry
F.T.W Greenfoot Rum (BVA Hip Score 5:5)
Greenfoot Fetlar (BVA 3/0)
Greenfoot Ritz (A1)
F.T.W Clockburn Commotion (BVA Hip Score 7:7)
Clockburn Chorus (BVA 3/3)
Foglmann's Dina (A/B=B)
Foglmann's Juvel (A1)
Foglmann's Tanzanit
Sungold Fonzy Fast Foot (A/B)
Sungold For Blynov & Co
Sungold Fast Fille (A 2)
Joe's My Little Pony (A)

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