K9data.comLabrador Retriever

AM Ch Tippecanoe Trail Nicole

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

AM Ch Tippecanoe Trail Nicole
Can.Ch. Finchingfield Labradale Coal
Finchingfield Indigo
Finchingfield Holmes
AmCH Finchingfield Folklaur CGC TDI
Finchingfield Honour
Am.Ch. Finchingfield Dooferweh Q
AmCH Finchingfield Faith
Am/CanCH Finchingfield Ivan Of Oaklea
AmCH Finchingfield Fantasia
AmCH Briary Brendan Of Rainell
Avalon's Briary Briar
Am.Ch. Briary Bantry Bay
AmCH Briary Brian's Song
AmCH Briary Bluebell
AmCH Briary Shillelagh
Briary Brogue
AmCH Briary Bonnie Briana
Am CH Briary Bracken
Briary Bonnie Boru
Ch Briary's Trace Of Brian
Am CH Lockerbie Brian Boru WC
Twillingate Dutchess
AmCH Lockerbie Shillelagh
CH Briary Bustle
Briary Bonnie Bree
AmCH Briary Glencoe's Bonnie Jean CD WC (OFA LR-EL225F189-T)
AmCH Briary Windstar
AmCH Spenrock Anthony Adverse
Spenrock Amanda
AmCH Briary Bonnie Briana
Avalon's Briary Briar
Am.Ch. Briary Bantry Bay
AmCH Briary Brian's Song
AmCH Briary Bluebell
AmCH Briary Shillelagh
Briary Brogue
AmCH Briary Brendan Of Rainell
Am CH Briary Bracken
Briary Bonnie Boru
Ch Briary's Trace Of Brian
AM Ch Tippecanoe Trail Sunshine
Am.Ch. Labradale's Jill of Balmoral
AmCH Balmoral's Fergus
AmCH Balmoral's Golden Nugget
AmCH Harrowby Scipio
Harrowby Todd
AmCH Harrowby Monday
Harrowby Polly
Harrowby Jim
Ch. Harrowby Peter
Harrowby Penny
Lisa's Jenny Dennison
Springfield's Balmoral Morag
Am.Ch. Springfield's Apricot Whip
AmCH Springfield's Prune
AmCh Sandylands Midnight Cowboy
Ir Ch Sandylands Modern Millie
Int.Ch., NORD UCh Sandylands Midnight Maestro
UK ShCh Sandylands Midnight Magic
Sandylands Morning Star of Teviotcastle
IR Ch & UK Ch Sandylands Magic Moment
AmCH Springfield's Miss Willing
AmCH Springfield Cheshire Cheese

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