
Golden Retriever

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Ghostryder's Garden Party Sprite CD RA MH CGC

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Ghostryder's Garden Party Sprite CD RA MH CGC
Ghostryder's Garden Party Tin Lizzie MH RN CD CCA VC
Ghostryder's Garden Party Hoagan MH CDX GN RA CCA VC
U-GOCH Ghostryder In The Sky UDX MH32 WCX RN (14.5 years)
Kuventre The Stakes Are High VCD2 MX AXP MXJ OJP
Kuventre Go Illini Go UD JH
Kuventre Born To Boogie CD
Sunfire's Burning Sand CDX JH WC
Sunfire's Sandkicker
Sunfire's Sandcastles JH WC OD (12.5 years)
Handjem's Quick Sand *** OS
Tansy of Cox Hollow
Seneca of Cox Hollow
Handjem's Cranwood Rox **
Sunfire's Breila of Bristol ** CD JH WCX
Sunfire's Clark Pie in the Sky CDX JH WCX Can CDX WC (13.5 years)
Can. Ch. Sunfire's Clark Skyjacker Can/Am CDX Am WC
Bridgette Chickasaw J Barty CDX
Topbrass Bartly J Mav Ric CDX WC
Topbrass Princess Rebecca UDT
OTCH Topbrass Timberlake Ranger WC OBHF
OTCH Topbrass Smokin Smitty OBHF
Kuventre Chickasaw Barty CDX
OTCH Topbrass Lookin' For Trouble
U-CDX Aero-Jett Garden Party Kate CDX RA MH61 MNR WCX OD HTHF (10 years)
Aero-Jett's Keynote Speaker CD, CD-H
Aero-Jett Speaker's Choice CD WC
UOCH HR Aero-Jett's Speaker of Tales UDX RE MX MXJ MJB XF MJP SH WCX (14 years)
AFC AFTCH Rosehill's Mr Speaker MH OS CCA FDHF (15.5 years)
Choctaw's Dixieland Delight CGC (10 years)
Sunny's Sports Fan
Shakin' Sambo Hillclimber
Jake Of Sunny Rain Check
Toffe (SN14124109)
Sunny's Daily Double
Teeca Otay Too **
Rocky Top's You Got Potential
Sunny's Bodacious Blonde (14.5 years)
AFC Mioak's Rain Check OS FDHF (13.5 years)
Mioaks Fire Fox *** (13.5 years)
Frisbies Enchanted Nutmeg
Mioak's Tioga Hawk
Otay's Sunny Summer JH *** (12.5 years)
Otay's California She-Devil SH ***
Rosehill's Otay By Me MH *** (11 years)
Cheerios Hi-Ho ***
Otay's Clipper **
Otay's Coyote ***
Otay Golden Sundance Eagle CD
Otay's Pack Rat CD
Otay Aint' Just Whislin' Dixie CDX JH
Aero-Jett's Grace Elane OD
Aero-Jett's Sonic Boom
U-CDX U-CH Aero-Jett's Turnin' N Burnin' UD (10 years)
GRHRCH UH Aero-Jett's Locked On CDX MH WC
U-CDX Aero-Jett's Southern Flyby UDX RA
Aero-Jett's Nike Air
U-UD Aero-Jett U Can B My Wingman UDX RN JH WC
U-CDX Aero-Jett Take My Breath Away CDX (13 years)
U-CD Aero-Jett's Dream Catcher CD NA
Aero-Jett's Grand Slam
Aero-Jett's High Times Hitman UD MH WCX **
Aero-Jett Tailspin UD (10 years)
Aero-Jett's Sky High Bomber UDX5 RAE3
U-CDX HR OTCh High Times Can't Touch This UDX10 WCX MH OS (14 years)
High Times It Must Be Karma CDX SH WCX OD
High Times Wood Duck Decoy Am CD JH Can CD
U-UD Tanbark's Cool Your Jetts UDX OD Can CDX (12.5 years)
Tanbark High Voltage Trevor
Tanbark's Skyeward Bound
Tanbark Machine-Gun Mike UD
Tanbark's Bear Country Mavrick CD SH WC (11.5 years)
Tanbark's Try Me Too CDX
Tanbark Dunstan Of Fremont
Mankato's Amber Star of Tanbark UD
OTCH Tanbark's Luck of the Draw UDX OBHF (11 years)
OTCh Tanbark's Shelby Arising Star UDX3 OBHF (13 years)
OTCH Tanbark's Outlaw Josey Wales UDX JH OBHF
Tanbark's Gingerbread Man CDX
Tanbark Bombs Away UD

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