
Golden Retriever

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Annecy Seasons Golden Moonlight Annie

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Annecy Seasons Golden Moonlight Annie (OFA Grade1)
Annecy's Summit Simply Irresistible at Kuki'o
Am Ch Summits Annecy Element Of Surprise (OFA GR-EL28175M24-VPI)
Annecys Summits I Got The Feelin' (OFA GR-EL28456M25-VPI)
Annecys Dogwood Saturday Nite Special
CH Summits Moving On Up
Summits I'll Be Back
Summits Back To The Grind
Summits To The Moon And Back
Summits Confetti Backfire
CH. Summits Shake Up A Hytree (OFA GR-EL25135F25-VPI)
Ch. Summit Venture's Hickory Dickory Dock
CH Summits Backseat Betty (OFA GR-EL27228F28-PI)
BIS BISS GCHP2 CH Summits Emery Its In The Bag OD SDHF (OFA GR-EL24355F27-VPI)
Multi.BIS BISS Asia.Int.Am.Kor GCH. Summits The Vanilla Sky SDHF
GCH CH Summit's Confetti Thumbs Up OS (OFA GR-EL24955M24-VPI)
Summit's Up A Creek At Lakesyde (OFA GR-EL25092M24-VPI)
BIS BISS GCH CH Summits Sonny Side Up OS SDHF (OFA GR-EL25111M25-VPI)
GCH CH Summit's Up Town Girl RN CGC OD (OFA GR-EL25518F27-VPI)
GCH CH Summits Back By Popular Demand SDHF
Summits Confetti Back Off Beach
BISS Am. CH Hytree's Ryd-N- Out The Storm SDHF OS (OFA GR-EL8389M24-PI)
Hytree's May Bee A Classic
Hytree's Rev'dUp N RarinToGo
Hytree's Quick As A Wink (OFA GR-EL8374F24-PI)
Hytree's Just Maybe
AM CH Hytree N' Honor's Mayday Malone (OFA GR-EL9571M24-PI)
Hytree N April's Pedal To The Medal (OFA GR-EL8439F24-PI)
CH. Hytree's I Wish I May CDX TDX WC VCX
Am CH. Faera's Future Classic OS (OFA GR-EL646M62)
Faera's The Kidd's Credentials
Faera's Future Finesse
Faera's Future Looks Rosy
Faera's Future Vsop
Faera's Future Windsong
Am./Can. CH. Faera's Forever A Kidd CD CGC
Am. CH Faera's Razzle Dazzle's Kidd
Faera's Future Classy Cassy
Am CH Faera's The Keepsake Kidd OD (OFA GR-EL661F81)
BIS Am Ch. Faera's Destiny Kodiak Kidd OS SDHF
Am CH Faera's Tanish Speed Deamon OD (OFA GR-EL4442F24-PI)
Faera-Tainsh Nick Of Time (OFA GR-EL4483F24-PI)
AmCH Faera-Tainsh Full Speed Ahead (OFA GR-EL5112M30-PI)
Ch. Faera-Tainsh PDQ SDHF OD (OFA GR-EL04443-PI)
BISS GCH CH Summits Every Fashion Venture OD (OFA GR-EL16412F26-VPI)
CH. Venture's Every Beat Of My Heart OD (OFA GR-EL16137F25-PI)
Venture's Every Hit's A Run
CH Ventures Everyones Gentleman (OFA GR-EL19698M44-VPI)
Venture's Evry Lil Thing She Does
Venture's Lovin' Every Minute
Am. CH Ventures Everywhere We Go BOSS (OFA GR-EL15977M24-PI)
BIS BISS Am CH Summits MR. Bojangles OS SDHF (OFA GR-EL5300M40-PI)
Summits Only The Shadow Knows
Am/Can CH Summits Dancin'at Dustrax CD RE CGC (OFA GR-EL3535-T)
Am-Can CH Karagold's Whistlin N'the Wind CD RN OD (OFA GR-EL8412F24-PI)
Karagold's Spice O Life Triumphant CD CCA (OFA GR-EL13671F31-PI)
Karagold Liebchen Phorever N' Bluejeans
CH KaraGold?s Phee Phi Pho Phun RN WC VC OD CGC (OFA GR-EL12679F26-PI)
BIS BISS CH Annecys Summits Theif In The Nite SDHF OD (OFA GR-EL16376F24-PI)
Ch. Annecys Good Girls Go To Heaven
Annecy's Matthew Make My Day
Am GCH Annecys Admiral Of The 15th Fleet SDHF
CH Annecy's Bellagio Bonanza (OFA GR-EL16244F24-PI)
BISS Ch. Annecy's Shadalane In Armani SDHF
Ch. Annecys Ain't No Bugs On Me@MGG (OFA GR-EL20338M24-VPI)
BIS BISS Am CH Summits MR. Bojangles OS SDHF (OFA GR-EL5300M40-PI)
Summits Only The Shadow Knows
Am/Can CH Summits Dancin'at Dustrax CD RE CGC (OFA GR-EL3535-T)
Am Can CH Golden Pine Dustrax Maverick CDX TDX RE OS CGC Can CD (OFA GR-EL1208M24-T)
Golden Pine Oh What A Night CDX RA OA NAJ CGC TDI SARA
CH Golden Pine's Pacific Panache CD
Golden Pine Night To Remember
Golden Pine Kelly O'Bayfield
CH Golden Pine Rio De Oro CD TD JH MX AXJ WC VC
Golden Pine's Uptown Girl
Golden Pine Select J Riesling
BIS BISS Am CH Summits Shadow Dancer OD SDHF
CH. Merrygold Turn Down The Music.Com OD (OFA GR-EL10273F24-PI)
Merrygold's Microchip@Mgg.Com (OFA GR-EL10319F24-PI)
Merrygold Dixiechip.Com (OFA GR-EL10314F24-PI)
Merrygold's Justpushplay.Com
BISS Am. Ch. Amberac Yer Chips R Taykin SDHF OS (OFA GR-EL04400-PI)
Am. CH. BISS Amberac When Yer-Hot Yer-Hot
Am CH Amberac Surrprise Me Wi'A Kiss (OFA GR-EL4246F24-PI)
Amberac I Luv Surrprises CD JH WCX NAJ CGC TDI
Am. CH Amberac I Like Yer Style Zoe
Amberac Taykin By Surrprise
Amberac Wadda Surrprise (OFA GR-EL4686F27-PI)
Amberac Big Surrprise At Croix
Amberac Surrprise Its Marty
Amberac Surrprise-Surrprise
Ch. Kandiland She's My Rite Handman OD (OFA GR-EL4722F24-PI)
AM. CH. Kandiland's Rite It Down
Kandiland Quincyridge Baylee (OFA GR-EL4674F24-PI)
Can. CH. Kandilands Turn The Other Cheek (GR-EL4674F24-PI)
Am./Can. CH. Kandiland's Major Point (OFA GR-EL2763M24-T)
Ch Kandiland's All Points Bulletin OD
Am/Can CH. Kandiland's Turn At Forest Creek
Kandiland Turn Me Loose (OFA GR-EL7856F25-PI)
Br.Ar.Ch Kandiland BumBum Rockefeller
Kandiland Point Theway To Gracre (OFA GR-EL2816M24-T)
Am/Can CH. Kandiland's All the Rite Stuf OD (OFA GR-EL4851F24-PI)
Am. CH. Kandilands Yall Rite Bubba (OFA GR-EL4831M24-PI)
Kandiland's Get To The Point
Am. CH. Kandiland's On The Rite Track (OFA GR-ELO4769-PI-Normal)
Arg Ch Kandiland Bambam Rockefeller

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