Bella Dorata Angel Heart (Unknown EST-03894/12) Bella Dorata Angel to Rogerwiek (EST-03894/12) Bella Dorata Angel Dream (EST-03900/12) Bella Dorata Angel Kiss (EST-03896/12) Bella Dorata Angel Alaric (FCI EST-03899/12) | ESTJW12& BALTJW12& LTU & EST & LV & BALT JCH Spanish Kiss Titto Prima Santolina LT-LV-EST-BALT CH, LT, LV JCH SPANISH KISS ROYAL Prima Santolina (FCI 1749/11) Int.Ch. Junior Club Winner PL,J.Ch.Pl,SK,UA,Ch.Pl,SK,UA SPANISH KISS BIG BOBO Prima Santolina Spanish Kiss Valentino Prima Santolina | | BALT JCH,BALT CH, LVW'14 Nenuoramos Always Be Angel Dream Jr Nat'l & Int'l Ch Nenuoramos Always Be Charming (AKC SR66927103 (8-14)) Jr Nat'l & Int'l Ch Nenuoramos Always Be Beloved (AKC SR66927102 (3-14)) UCI Int CH Nenuoramos Always Be Happy (AKC SR66927104 (9-14)) Nenuoramos Always Be Wise MultiCh, GrChMol, ChUa, Mol, Cypr, Mont, Bye Nenuoramos Always Be Lucky (FCI LSVK GR 1670\10) Nat/Int Ju.A Ch., Nat. JA Ch. Nenuoramos Always Be My Hope (AKC SR66927101 (8-13)) | |