
Golden Retriever

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SA Ch Summerfold Zanie of Redfereen FQ FTA

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

SA Ch Summerfold Zanie of Redfereen FQ FTA
SA Ch Stubblesdown Jingle of Summerfold FQ
Eng. CH. Stubblesdown Jester Of Steddles
Stubblesdown Jingle
Stubblesdown Joshua
Eng. CH. Sharland The Scot (Other KCSB 1382AW)
Sharland Shining Penny
Eng. CH. Nickodemus Of Cleavers (KCSB 1131AN)
Eng. CH. Bard of Cleavers
Berrie Of Cleavers
Banner Of Cleavers
Amber Mist of Cleavers
Sharland Skiffle
Longslade Sharland Symphony (Other KCSB 2327AS)
Stubblesdown Verbena (Other KCSB 2406AS)
Weyland Veryan Esquire of Ulvin **
Daddsdog of Ulvin
Weyland Veryan Esq of Ulvin
Irish CH. Bryanstown Diplomat of Ulvin
Dutch Ch. & Dutch FT. Ch. Echo of Ulvin (Other NHSB)
Debonair of Ulvin
Emperor of Ulvin
Destiny of Ulvin (AKC S700304 (12/55))
Endeavour Of Ulvin
Dutiful Of Ulvin
Stubblesdown Valli
Irish FT. CH. Stubblesdown Vanda
Perdix Zara of Summerfold

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