K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Warrenby Gypsy of Belfriars

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Warrenby Gypsy of Belfriars (BVA 4:4)
Towserland Wizard (7/7)
FTCh Wingsham Tinder of Smithsteads (BVA 4/4)
Inca Girl
Churchtown Leda
Dingbell Montague
Pasturegate Cuba
Cheiftain Humphrey
FTCh Goldscleugh's Butler of Shadowbrae (BVA 3/5)
Remus Of Pippa
Apache Prince
Bizzle Girl
College Lass (6/4)
Fleehope Queen
Helen's Lodger
Henhole Lass
Preston Hill Lady (2/5)
Southernknowe Dancer
Till Lad
Saddleworth Bouncing Boy (BVA 8/6)
Saddleworth Bold Prince
Saddleworth Beautiful Lady
Saddleworth Ben Of Ammelbec
Saddleworth Boulder
Saddleworth Bouncer
Saddleworth Brady
Saddleworth Kipe (BVA 7/5)
Pocklea Ruine
Pocklea Robb
Pocklea Rue (BVA 4/8)
Pocklea Renne Of Millbuies (14/4)
FTCh Willowyck Ruff (BVA 3/4)
Willowyck Royal Reflection
Willowyck Rare Tinker
Willowyck Raven
Willowyck Reeve (BVA 2/2)
Willowyck Raffle At Dragosdawn (BVA 2/3)
Willowyck Poacher (BVA 3/4)
Willowyck Puma (BVA 4/4)
Pocklea Black Bee (4/3)
Pocklea Beatle
Pocklea Bunting (4/4)
DKJCH Elitevinder 2006 Pocklea Braken Berry (BVA hs: 4-5 (KC) A (DKK))
Bohasset Black Maggie (0/0)
Bohasset Barley Twist (3/5)
FTCh Baildonian Baron of Craighorn (BVA 2/1)
Baildonian Persian Dream (5/3)
Baildonian Witchcraft (3/5)
Baildonian Tinker (6/4)
Baildonian Street Whisper (5-4)
Baildonian Sweet Whisper (5/4)
Baildonian Ice Maiden of Brocklebank (BVA 0/1)
Baildonian Maisie
Baildonian Carrie Anne
FTW Gillmhor Arrow of Pocklea (BVA 3/3)
Gillmhor Laney at Bradshot (BVA 5/3)
Gillmhor Mask
Gillmhor Aran
Gillmhor Boyne
Gillmhor Tullaghan
Gillmhor Sheelin
Gillmhor Corrib
FTW Baildonian Tina (BVA 5/5)
Baildonian Crofter
Baildonian Mack
Sheer Leen Lass of Bohasset (4/3)
Kerry Mist Of Bohasset (4/3)
FTAW Ashleen Lady of Birdrowe (BVA 4/3)
GB FTCh & Ir.FTCh Ulstare Oak (BVA 5/3)
Ulstare Ash
Ulstare Larch
Ulstare Fir
Ulstare Spruce
Ulstare Fern
Ulstare Beech
Ulstare Elm
Ulstare Maple
Ulstare Holly
Skellwater Bess
FTCh Ulstare Style (BVA 10/10)
Lisnoe Prinsess
FTW Saffron Seeker
Belle Vienna
IR FTCh Thornlee Lad of Fenflyer (BVA 3/8)
Rustic Dancer

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