K9data.comLabrador Retriever

SE VCH SE U(u)CH Mocca Made's Birk

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

SE VCH SE U(u)CH Mocca Made's Birk (8.5 years)
Mocca Made's Brunett
Mocca Made's Bianca
Mocca Made's Belinda
Mocca Made's Betty Boop
Mocca Made's Baronessa
Mocca Made's Bernhard
Mocca Made's Bonzo
Mocca Made's Baron
Mocca Made's Benjamin
Rocksteady By Night
S VCH SUCH Trendmaker's The Moose Is Loose
SE UCH Trendmaker's Tequila Footloose
Trendmaker's Tropical Heat
SU(U)CH NUCH Boothgates It's Show Time (12 years)
Boothgates The Actress
Boothgates A Screen Gem
Boothgates Scene Stealer
Trendmaker's Traffic Jam
Trendmaker's Tempelton Park
Trendmaker's The Big Apple
SE UCH NO UCH Rocksteady Day By Day
NO UCH FI UCH Tweedledum Murphy's Law
Tweedledum Malibu Bitch (12.5 years)
Tweedledum Made in Finland
Tweedledum Midnight Sun
Tweedledum Monkey Bussines
Tweedledum Mississippi Mud
Tweedledum Miami Vice
Tweedledum Merry Mack
Tweedledum Making Whoopee
Rocksteady Look Sharp
Macita's Pepsi Cola
S Ch Tjotte's Billy the Bruno (8.5 years)
INTCH NORDCH SECH Älvgårdens Valle / Alvgardens Valle
Älvgårdens Västgöta-Smula
Alvgardens Ville
INT&NORD UCH Alvgardens Victor/Älvgårdens Victor
SE UCH Älvgårdens Visby-Smula
Umanioras Mocca Made (11 years)
SE UCH Macita's Don Pasquale
Macita's Du Champ
SE UCh Macita's Di Lorna
Macita's Anibas
SE Uch Destinys Happy Girl

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