
Golden Retriever

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High Country Grady Blue Grama

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

High Country Grady Blue Grama (AKC SR71432704)
High Country Ayla At Moon Ridge CGC, CDX, RN, RA (AKC SR71432701)
UKC CH INT'L CH High Country Reigning Raylyn CGC CCA (AKC SR78023001)
High Country Tucker Of Allendale (AKC SR71432702)
High Country Remington (AKC SR71432703)
High Country-Angel Service Dogs, Inc.'s Petro (AKC SR71432705)
High Country Buddy (AKC SR71432706)
UKC Ch Int Ch Golmas Game Roller CGC,CD,CCA (AKC SR495921/01)
Golmas Games We Play
Ch Serb Golmas Game For Anything (AKC SR49592102 (5-12))
JW Shebelta Sky Blue with Golmas
Shebelta Evening Sky JW
Eng.Sh Ch Shardanell Talk O' The Town at Ipcress (UKC KC Reg.)
Shardanell Living Doll (Other KC Reg.)
Shardanell Forget Me Not (Other KC Reg.)
Eng.Sh.Ch Shardanell Castaspell JW (KC KCSB 3519CQ)
Shardanell Ruby Tulip (AKC SR28264401 (9-08))
Shardanell Daisychain via Ipcress (Other KC Reg.)
Shebelta Silver Skye (Other KC Reg. (AB3))
Shebelta Silver Chest (Other KC Reg. (AB3))
Shebelta Silver Dollar (Other KC Reg. (AB3))
Shebelta Silver Dream Racer (Other KC Reg. (AB3))
Shebelta Silver Lace (Other KC Reg. (AB3))
Shebelta Silver Maple (UKC AB03277502)
Shebelta Silver Mott (Other KC Reg. (AB3))
Shebelta Silver Penny (Other KC Reg. (AB3))
Shebelta Silver Rose (Other KC Reg. (AB3))
Golmas Goodnight Vienna
Golmas Goodnight Matilda for Applebrook
Golmas Glave
Eng. SH. CH. Golmas Governor JW (Other KCSB 0285CJ)
Golmas Gaelic Boy (Other KC Reg.)
Golmas Gianfranco (Other KC Reg.)
Golmas Giango (Other KC Reg.)
Golmas Great Guns (Other KC Reg.)
Golmas Guy's Doll (Other KC Reg.)
Golmas Gilded Rose at Rosegrove (Other KC Reg. Y1975904Y02)
Golmas Guy's Moll At Rossgilde (Other KC Reg. Y1975901Y02)
Golmas Gilded Lily (Other KC Reg. Y1975903Y02)
Golmas Gaelic Rover With Locquay (Other KC Reg. Y1975908Y02)
Golmas Gretl JW
UKC Ch Int Ch High Country Diamond Rio CGC (AKC SR58704801)
High Country's G Lovin' Sadie Jane (AKC SR58704807)
Int. Nat CH Linirgor Macallan UD SH AXP AJP WC CCA VCX (AKC SR52693201)
Linirgor OO Seven
Ch Linirgor Mimi JW
Linirgor Mackenzie
Linirgor Mr Mystery
Linirgor Macduff
UK Sh Ch Linirgor Mactavish
Linirgor MacAlpine ShCM, 1 RCC
Linirgor Miss Behaving
Linirgor Miss Chief
Linigor Over The Moon At Kingsfleet
Linirgor Oops I Did It Again at Millanza 2 CC, 1 RCC
CanGCH BISS, BPIG Linirgor Must Be Luv 2RCC (CKC 1100667)
Willowlawn Entent Cordiale JW
Willowlawn Folies Bergere JW
Willowlawn Joie de Vivre
Linirgor Luvmelots JW
Linirgor Candy Luv at Flyngalee JW
Int. Ch Bremington Of Lyndiewood CCA CGC (AKC SN93452701 (4/06))
Britt of Lyndiewood
Bella Of Lyndiewood (AKC SN93452702 (3-06))
WW'01,EW'99,02, Multi & Int Ch, Ch Fr/Ger/Lux/Swi/VDH Paudell Pure Passion (Other KCR X371370BX03)
Paudell Pippa
Europajugendsieger 2001 Zohra Of Lyndiewood (Other LOSH 0861351)
Angel Of Lyndiewood (AKC SN90735601 (7/03))

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