
Golden Retriever

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iines - Mauricio

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

iines - Mauricio
SPA CH Mauricio Colmenero de Atrapasue?os
Dt.JCh. Madonna de Atrapasue?os
SPA JCH Tiritiritiri de Atrapasuenos
Rihanna de Atrapasue?os
SPA CH. Lalore de Atrapasue?os
Carnaval Dorado Machu Pichu
Macu de Atrapasue?os
Alicia Keys de Atrapasue?os
Leona Lewis de Atrapasue?os
C.I.E, C.I.B, Dt.Ch, VHDCh., ?sterr.Ch., Dt.JCh. Paz de Atrapasue?os
CH.PT.GBZ.INT. Machu Pichu de Atrapasuenos
JEW'07, INT CH, SPA/PT/GBZ/DK CH, HR JCH Ritzilyn Rick O'Shay
Ritzilyn Pasadena JW
Ritzilyn Rock Candy With Cesarka
SH CH Ritzilyn Jitterbug of Cherrygold
Ritzilyn Kitty Hawk for Redtowers
Ritzilyn Judge Jools at Cesarka
Jr. Ch Ritzilyn Jiggery Pokery
Vice-EW'06, C.I.B/C.I.E. FIN/EE/LV/LT/RU/BY MVA Ritzilyn Jimmy Mac EEV-06 EEVV11, BH, TK1
German JCh, German CH Ritzilyn Passing Glance
German Ch. & German J.Ch. Ritzilyn Jokers Wild
Eng CH Ritzilyn Polly Esther
Ritzilyn Sugar Bush for Pearlbarn
Ritzilyn Jimjams For Mousseglen
Bundesjugendsieger '02 Ritzilyn Jigger
Ritzilyn Pizzazz For Eastbury
Ritzilyn Charleston At Folderslane
Ritzilyn Peachy Cream
Ritzilyn Plain Sailing
Eng. SH. CH. Ritzilyn Manhattan
Eng Sh Ch Ritzilyn Brandon JW
C.I.B & BALT & FIN & RUS CH & BALT VET CH Ritzilyn Blues Brother LV W-01, LV JW-01, LTU JW-01, EstW-05, BaltW-06
Ritzilyn Blue Chip
Ritzilyn Bucks Fizz at Trewater
Ritzilyn Baby Bunting with Charmagen
Ritzilyn Baileys Original Amsterdam JW
Eng Sh Ch Pearlbarn Periwinkle for Ritzilyn
Pearlbarn Pinball Wizard
Pearlbarn Prince Of Thieves
SPA VCH Heart Of Eternity de Ria Vela
HCh. SKCh. PlCh. Tiffany Yellow de Ria Vela Slovakian Club Winner '08
Darya I Nur de Ria Vela
Black Orlov de Ria Vela
Int. Sh. Ch , Int. Ch , Lux/Dk/Dt-VDH/Swiss/Fr. Ch Ashbury Angel Heart
Ashbury Attention to Rossmix
Ashbury Amarena Cream
SWISS CH Ashbury Art Of Love TAN and Selectif A and B
Trouble In Paradise de Ria Vela
Pink Cadillac de Ria Vela
Trialer, INT/SPA CH, GBZ JCH Timanfaya de Ria Vela (Top Spanish Brood 2008'09'13)
BISS, V-EW'09, V-WW'11, Int/Spa/Port/Gbz Ch. Lucky Man de Ria Vela
Ch. Portugal Tara de Ria Vela
Seven Angels de Ria Vela
Roque-Nublo de Ria Vela with Motlaisa
Be True de Ria Vela
Roulette de Ria Vela
Mencey de Ria Vela
CH CS - IE CH - IB CH- VDH CH -LUX CH -B CH-SCH CH - IS CH Top Gun de Ria Vela Elite A Trialer Etalon recommande
Famara de Ria Vela
Stand On It de Ria Vela
M?kiharjun It's So True
M?kiharjun It's A Pleasure
M?kiharjun It's Hot One
M?kiharjun It's Just Me
M?kiharjun It's Now Or Never
M?kiharjun It's So Charmy
M?kiharjun It's So Easy
M?kiharjun It's So Fun
M?kiharjun It's No Secret
M?kiharjun It's Pure Love
M?kiharjun It's Showtime
SE&NO&DK Ch Nordic Ch Dewmist Side By Side
Dewmist Sound of Music
SEU CH, NO CH, NORDW'10, FIW'11, HIW'11, C.I.E. Dewmist Sweet Charity RLD F, RLD N
Dewmist Street of Dreams
Swe Ch, Norwegian Ch Dewmist Singing In The Rain Norwegian Winner 2008
Dewmist Smoke On The Water
Vice-WW'06, Swe Sh Ch, Norw Ch, Pl Ch, Lv Ch Dewmist Silkventure SweW-06-07-08-09, LvW-07
CH Dewmist Silkchaser
Isr. Ch. dewmist Silkmorency
Dewmist Silkcharade
Dewmist Silkshooter
NordJW, Swe Sh CH, DK Sh CH, INT Sh CH (C.I.E) Dewmist Silkmarillion
Dewmist Silkjourney
JWW?03,Swe Sh Ch Dewmist Serenella
SV CH Dewmist Serenade
SE VCH SE U(U)CH Dewmist Serenata
Dts.Vdh. CH Dewmist Satellite Belgian Winner '03
Nord & Fin & Swe Sh & Norw Ch Dewmist Supersonic
SE U(U)CH NO UCH Dewmist Samsonite
Chaffinch Ingrid Bergman
Chaffinch Isadora Duncan
Hiekkakankaan Za-Za-Sunny
Hiekkakankaan Za-Za-Serena
Hiekkakankaan Za-Za Sonny
Hiekkakankaan Za-Za-Sandra
Chaffinch Celine Dion
Chaffinch Cher
FIN & S (u) Ch Chaffinch Clint Eastwood

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