One Little Miracle Milerro FCI One in a Million Milerro FCI One and Only Milerro FCI (ED 0/0) One Minute Silence Milerro FCI One Way or Another Milerro FCI One More Girl Milerro FCI (ED 0/0) Ch.PL Once in a Lifetime Milerro FCI (ED 0/0) | Int.Ch, J.Ch.Pl,Cz, Ch.Pl,Dt,VDH,Cz,Sk,H Kassander of Bridge Four (ED 0/0) Kathelyn of Bridge Four (0-0) CH Karmen of Bridge Four | | Junior Champion PL, Polish Junior Winner 2011, CH BLG BARBIE DOLL Anarchia Box FCI (0/0) Editor's Choice Anarchia Box Electric Blues Anarchia Box FCI Every Day Every Night Anarchia Box FCI Early Morning Anarchia Box (0/0) Hit the Jackpot Anarchia Box FCI Heartbreaker Anarchia Box FCI Hello Dolly Anarchia Box FCI PL.Jun.Ch, Ch.PL BRAND NEW Anarchia Box FCI Ch.GEO,Ch.MKD,Ch.MDA,Ch.MNE,Ch.CYP,Ch.AZE, Ch.SRB (0/0) Off Road Anarchia Box FCI Ch.Pl Official Edition Anarchia Box FCI (FCI 0/0) Over the Moon Anarchia Box FCI English Rose Anarchia Box FCI Eastern Star Anarchia Box FCI Extra Terrestrial Anarchia Box | Interchamp.C.I.E. PL JCh.,Ch.PL,Jun.ClubWinner'10 Dewmist Severiano Multi Ch. (ED 0/0) Swe Ch Dewmist Stavarache (0/0 (Sweden)) Dewmist Sabatina (BVA 0:0) Ro.Ch,Srb.Ch, Srb.Jun.Ch Dewmist Salentino Jun.Clubwinner 2010 (0/0 (2010.10)) Dewmist Santarello CGC,TDI Dewmist Serricella (ED/0) JChBLR, JChBreed, ChBLR, ChBreed, GrChBLR Dewmist Silvestro (0/0) Dewmist Shanique (1(19.05.2011)) Norw Sh Ch Dewmist Sorrento (0/0 (2010) - Norway) | | Jun. Champ. PL, Champ. PL,Vet.Ch.Pl DYSKRECJA Zloto z Wyspy (ED 0/0) DESSY Zloto z Wyspy DEBORA Zloto z Wyspy DIOR DEE POINT Zloto z Wyspy DILLERO Zloto z Wyspy DYSTANS Zloto z Wyspy DUBARO Zloto z Wyspy DEDYKACJA DLA ELI Zloto z Wyspy DELICJA Zloto z Wyspy | |