One Minute Silence Milerro FCI (FCI 5735/XLII/13) One Little Miracle Milerro FCI One in a Million Milerro FCI One and Only Milerro FCI One Way or Another Milerro FCI One More Girl Milerro FCI Ch.PL Once in a Lifetime Milerro FCI | Int.Ch, J.Ch.Pl,Cz, Ch.Pl,Dt,VDH,Cz,Sk,H Kassander of Bridge Four Kathelyn of Bridge Four CH Karmen of Bridge Four | | Junior Champion PL, Polish Junior Winner 2011, CH BLG BARBIE DOLL Anarchia Box FCI Editor's Choice Anarchia Box Electric Blues Anarchia Box FCI Every Day Every Night Anarchia Box FCI (PKR) Early Morning Anarchia Box Hit the Jackpot Anarchia Box FCI Heartbreaker Anarchia Box FCI Hello Dolly Anarchia Box FCI PL.Jun.Ch, Ch.PL BRAND NEW Anarchia Box FCI Ch.GEO,Ch.MKD,Ch.MDA,Ch.MNE,Ch.CYP,Ch.AZE, Ch.SRB Off Road Anarchia Box FCI Ch.Pl Official Edition Anarchia Box FCI (FCI 9231/IX/15) Over the Moon Anarchia Box FCI English Rose Anarchia Box FCI Eastern Star Anarchia Box FCI Extra Terrestrial Anarchia Box (FCI PKR) | Interchamp.C.I.E. PL JCh.,Ch.PL,Jun.ClubWinner'10 Dewmist Severiano Multi Ch. (FCI S49084/2009) Swe Ch Dewmist Stavarache Dewmist Sabatina Ro.Ch,Srb.Ch, Srb.Jun.Ch Dewmist Salentino Jun.Clubwinner 2010 Dewmist Santarello CGC,TDI (Other S49085/2009) Dewmist Serricella (FCI S49090/2009) JChBLR, JChBreed, ChBLR, ChBreed, GrChBLR Dewmist Silvestro Dewmist Shanique Norw Sh Ch Dewmist Sorrento | | Jun. Champ. PL, Champ. PL,Vet.Ch.Pl DYSKRECJA Zloto z Wyspy (FCI PKR - VIII-20696) DESSY Zloto z Wyspy (Other PKR) DEBORA Zloto z Wyspy (Other PKR) DIOR DEE POINT Zloto z Wyspy (PKR) DILLERO Zloto z Wyspy DYSTANS Zloto z Wyspy (Other PKR) DUBARO Zloto z Wyspy (Other PKR) DEDYKACJA DLA ELI Zloto z Wyspy (Other PKR) DELICJA Zloto z Wyspy (Other PKR) | |