
Golden Retriever

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Chateau's Beaujolais

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Chateau's Beaujolais
Bobbitt's Golden Harley
Bill's Golden Bear III
Deerfield's Tristan
Freddie's Golden Girl
Golden Acre Hope Desiree
Dusty Duke Of Mission
Portermill's Goldie
Camp Canines Savignon
Camp Canines Beaujolais
Stefla's Crystal Chablis
Crazy Horse Of Gold Leaf
Silverwinds Tangena
CH Sunshine Hill's USA Wrangler
Wyncall's Unami Bertolino
Wyncall's Material Girl
Wyncall's Dudley Do-Right
Wyncall's High Chaparral
Sunshine Hillofsilverwinds
Sunshine Hill's Added Appeal (14 years)
Sunshine Hill Wells Fargo
Sunshine Hill's Calamity Jane
Sunshine Hill Peppercrek Rio
Sunshine Hill's Buckaroo
Sunshine Hill's Mae West
Stefla's Glistening Bordeaux
Nautilus Golden Warrior
Nautilus Tug Thunderbolt
Nautilus Thunderins Renagade
Nautilus Distant Thunder
Nautilus Cameron Apple Jacks
Nautilus Newport Just Right
Nautilus Toryglen Cheerios
Nautilus Nut -N- Honey
U-CH AM CH Nautilus Cap'n Crunch CDX AX OAJ OS U-CD AGI (8.5 years)
Am. CH Nautilus Fabulous Thunderbird OD (10 years)
Nautilus Stole My Thunder UD
Ch. Nautilus Breeze Caymen Acres (12.5 years)
Am. CH. Nautilus Golden Grahams (6 years)
Nautilus Romancing The Stone
Nautilus Runnymede Thunderful
Stefla's Sparkling Champagne

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