
Golden Retriever

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Meadowpond Lighted Nutmeg

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Meadowpond Lighted Nutmeg (SE-963674)
Meadowpond VI (AKC SF520908)
Can Ch Meadowpond Skye's The Limit CDX (AKC SE577277)
Meadowpond Kylie (AKC SE668684)
Am./Can. CH Goldtreve Campaigner OS (AKC SE336655 (8-86))
Australian CH Goldtreve Ima Princess
Aust CH Goldtreve Cameron (AI) (ANKC 526492)
Goldtreve Camrosa
Goldtreve Camretta
Aust CH Goltreve Camahl (AI)
Aust. CH Goldtreve Camahl (ANKC N 526493)
Goldtreve Camira (Other N 526495)
Australian CH Goldtreve Camrossie
Eng. CH. Camrose Cabus Christopher (Other KCSB 0380BD)
Eng. CH. Hughenden Cabus Columbia
Greenwards Cabus Celtic
Eng. CH. Cabus Caruso
Swed. CH. Cabus Clipper (Other S09807/69)
NUCH Cabus Clarion
Hughenden Cabus Columb
Cabus Clarissa of Vementry
Australian Ch Gaewynd Tapestry (ANKC 15V75 500)
Aust. Ch. Gaewynd Eldorado
Goldtreve Golden Jazz (ANKC (N)649380)
Aust. CH Noravon Otto Goldtreve (D377375D8)
Noravon Lucretia (Other SwedKC # S66179/78)
Swiss/Hol. CH. Noravon Romulus
Noravon Lavinia (Other Swed. KC S25285/79)
Noravon Troilus of Camrose (Other KCSB 4148BR)
Noravon Marcella (Other KC Reg. F0013804F04)
N UCH, NORDV-81 Noravon Lucius (FCI N03092/79)
Australian Champion Goldtreve Charmer
Australian CH Goldtreve Caprice CD
Am/Can. CH Thornfield Lark O'Meadowpond OD (AKC SE010066)
Can Ch Thornfield Halltree N'Talark (AKC SF039757)
Thornfield Cuesta O Savannah (AKC SE984044)
Am CH Thornfield Xanthos Rebecca (AKC SD993194)
Am./Can. CH. Thornfield What a Pleasure (AKC SE433612)
CH Thornfield Midas Touch (AKC SE026633)
Thornfield Larkspur (AKC SE976041)
Am/Can. Ch. Thornfield Hair Again (AKC SD998891)
Am. Ch. Thornfield Peppermint Patty (AKC SE764017)
Am/Can. Ch. Thornfield Larkinvar (AKC SF026091)
Am. CH. Thornfield Step Aside OD (AKC SE967815)
CH Thornfield Xanthos Ariana (AKC SE768596)
Am./Can. CH Thornfield Mudlark (AKC SE757119 (3-90))
Golden Meadows Lucky (AKC SE793808)
Am/Can CH Thornfield Chase Manhatten SDHF (AKC SE353649 (9-86))
Am./Can. CH. Thornfield Ain't She A Mazin' (AKC SF091372)
Thornfield Jump The Gun CDX (AKC SE408877)
Am./Can. CH. Thornfield Freedom Ranger SDHF (AKC SD-997314)
Am./Can. CH. Thornfield Hark Hark (AKC SE757120)
Am./Can. CH. Thornfield Nilla Waffer (AKC SE057065(3-87))
Thornfield Sugar Cookie (AKC SE408876 (12-89))
Am/Can CH. Freedom's Celebration OS (AKC SD317027 (4-83))
Freedom's Cream O' The Crop UD (AKC SD-246265)
Am. CH Freedom's Cimaron Sage (AKC SD-382610)
Freedom's Coriolanus (AKC SD325328)
AmCH Freedom's Celebrity Cowboy (AKC SD349246 (9-85))
BIS Am. CH Gold Coast Here Comes The Sun CD OS SDHF (AKC SB981196 (4/78))
Gold Coast's Golden Sandstorm CD (AKC SC020147)
Gold Coast's Morning Mist
Am. CH Laurell's Xpectations OD (AKC SC386946 (11/81))
Laurell's Xquisite Contender Am./Can. CD (AKC SC339724)
Laurells Xclusively Caroman (AKC SC313295)
Laurell Xmas Joy To Shamonoff CDX WCX (AKC SC365327 (11-80))
Am. CH Thornfield Skylark OD (AKC SD331498 (8-84))
Nitecap's Sugarbear Stinger (AKC SD278565)
Am./Can. CH. Meadowpond Sugarbear Hondo Am./Can. CDX OS (AKC SC262834 (5/1979))
Am./Can. CH. Sugarbear's Echo of Hilkirk Am./Can. CD Can. WC (AKC SC-276822)
Am/Can Ch Sugarbear's Shannon Boy CD (AKC SC298073 (8-79))
Can. CH. Sugarbear Chelsea Holiday WC; Am./Can. CD (AKC SC266184)
Sugarbear's Spring Lark (AKC SC983425)
Sugarbear's Lord Dubonne (AKC SC962144 (11-81))

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