
Golden Retriever

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Rus Pekos Triumf

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Rus Pekos Triumf
Rus Pekos Tibul
Rus Pekos Timoti (ED-0)
Ch.RKF,Ch.Rus Rus Pekos Tequila
Jun.Ch.NKP,Ch.Rus/RKF/Club Giddy Success des Jardins D'Epona (0/0)
Grosse Bertha des Jardins d'Epona
Apple Pie des Jardins d'Epona (FCI 0/0)
Dites Moi Tout des Jardins d'Epona (0/0)
Des Rives de l'Erdre des Jardins d'Epona
Aldo des Jardins d'Epona
Antares Des Jardins d'Epona
Absolutely Fabulous des Jardins d'Epona (0/0)
Copyright des Jardins d'Epona
Donovan Des Jardins d'?pona
Demi Demoiselle Des Jardins D'Epona
United Color du Domaine des Rives de l'Erdre (FCI 0/0)
Up And Go du Domaine des Rives de l'Erdre
Ultime Girl du Domaine des Rives de l'Erdre
Underground Funk du Domaine des Rives de l'Erdre
Ucello du Domaine des Rives de l'Erdre
Up And Go Domaine Des Rives De L?Erdre
Une Fashion Victim des Jardins d'Epona
Universal Picture des Jardins d'Epona
Union Libre des Jardins d'Epona
Zampanzar Prime Time (FCI 0/0)
Zampanzar Quick Time
C.I.E , SPA/PT/GBZ CH Zampanzar Step By Step (BVA 0:0)
Zampanzar Finn Shadow
Zampanzar Samsara's Eyes (BVA 0 - 0)
SPA CH, PT CH Zampanzar Sky At Night (0)
Azores Winner'07 Zampanzar Night And Day (0:0)
Trialer, INT/SPA CH Zampanzar Fly Away
Zampanzar Kiss of Life (0/0)
Swedish-Spanish-Lux-Gibraltar CH. Prime Time of Glen Sheallag
ChRus,ChNKP Rus Pekos Velikolepnaya Alisa (ED-0)
Russian Ch, Russian Jr Ch, Jr Ch Nat Club Rus Pekos Valeria (ED-0)
Jun.Ch.Rus,NKP,Ch.Rus,NKP,CH.KAZ,CACIB Rus Pekos Varvara (ED-0)
jun.ChRus,Ch.Rus Rus Pekos Vorozheya (ED-0)
JChRus, JCh NRC,ChRus,ChNRC,ChRKF,CACIB Bungee Jumping of the Famous Family (ED-0)
CIE. Ch. Best Wishes of the Famous Family (0/0)
Belissima of the Famous Family (0/0)
MultCh, ChUA, ChMOL, ChBYE, ChRUS, JChUa Big Boss of the Famous Family (0/0)
HJCH Born Wild of the Famous Family (0/0)
Int.Ch.HRCh.RoCh.SKCh.HCh.HSCh.HJCh.Lux.JCh. Burning Hot of The Famous Family (0/0 (2010))
JunChRus, ChRus, JunChNkp, ChNkp, ChRKF Ballerina of the Famous Family (ED 0)
Int. Sh. Ch , Int. Ch , Lux/Dk/Dt-VDH/Swiss/Fr. Ch Ashbury Angel Heart (FCI 0/0)
Ashbury Attention to Rossmix (0/0)
Ashbury Amarena Cream
SWISS CH Ashbury Art Of Love TAN and Selectif A and B (0/0)
WW'12. HSCH. HJCh. Dewmist Star Of The Blue Hope (0/0)
NO UCH, SE U(U)CH Dewmist Star of India (0/0)
Dewmist Star of Ruspoli
SU(U)CH, NUCH, SE VW 2014 Dewmist Star Of Africa (0)
SE U(U)CH Dewmist Star of Koh-I-Noor (0/0)
CH.RUS,RKF,JunCH.RUS Yudita Iz Sokolinogo Gnezda (OFA GR-EL32122F72-VPI)
Ch.Rus,4xCAC,4xCW Yurmala Iz Sokolinogo Gnezda (OFA GR-EL24791F33-VPI)
Yula iz Sokolinogo Gnezda
Inter Ch, Est, Lv, Lt,Balt, Ru, Ua CH Yupiter Iz Sokolinogo Gnezda Est, Lv, Lt, Balt, Ru Jun CH
Yunona Iz Sokolinogo Gnezda
IntCh, MultiCH Atrey Evidog (0/0)
C'est La Vie Evidog
CHRUS Udal Iz Sokolinogo Gnezda (ED-0)
UDACHA BLESK PITERA IZ SOKOLINOGO GNEZDA Junior Champion Russia, Champion Cluba, Champion Russia/ (ED-0)
Ulyana iz Sokolinogo Gnezda
JRUS CH RUS CH Ulybka Fortuny iz Sokolinogo Gnezda

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