
Golden Retriever

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Shilo's Yorr Glass Half Full

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Shilo's Yorr Glass Half Full (OFA GR-114628E24F-VPI)
Shilo's Yorr Still The One RN CGC TDI (OFA GR-116657G33M-VPI)
Can Ch Shilo's Yorr The One That I Want (OFA GR-118544G36M-VPI)
Shilo's Yorr Kisses Cause Crashes (OFA GR115265G25F-VPI)
Shilo's Teach Yorr Children Well
Shilo's Make Yorr Move
Shilo's Yorr a Physicist
Shilo's Yorr Own Top Gun
Shilo Sharps Yorr Way To The West (OFA GR-114556G24M-VPI)
BIS RBIS GCHS Brookshire Confetti Rhinestone Cowboy SDHF. OS (OFA GR-107826G24M-VPI)
Brookshire's Millennium Star CGC (OFA Mild hip/ Grd.1 patella lux)
BISS Am. CH Hytree's Ryd-N- Out The Storm SDHF OS (OFA GR-81043G25M-PI)
Hytree's May Bee A Classic
Hytree's Rev'dUp N RarinToGo
Hytree's Quick As A Wink (OFA GR-81014E24F-PI)
Hytree's Just Maybe
AM CH Hytree N' Honor's Mayday Malone (OFA GR-83223G24M-PI)
Hytree N April's Pedal To The Medal (OFA GR-81152G24F-PI)
CH. Hytree's I Wish I May CDX TDX WC VCX
Am CH. Faera's Future Classic OS (OFA GR-37666G24M)
Faera's The Kidd's Credentials (OFA GR-33384F24M)
Faera's Future Finesse (OFA GR-37654G34F)
Faera's Future Looks Rosy (OFA GR-37772G24F)
Faera's Future Vsop
Faera's Future Windsong
Am./Can. CH. Faera's Forever A Kidd CD CGC (OFA GR-33731G25F)
Am. CH Faera's Razzle Dazzle's Kidd (OFA GR-33389F24F)
Faera's Future Classy Cassy (OFA GR-41567F39F)
Am CH Faera's The Keepsake Kidd OD (OFA GR-34673F30F)
BIS Am Ch. Faera's Destiny Kodiak Kidd OS SDHF (OFA GR-33513G24M)
Am CH Faera's Tanish Speed Deamon OD (OFA GR-72015G24F-PI)
Faera-Tainsh Nick Of Time (OFA GR-72018F24F-PI)
AmCH Faera-Tainsh Full Speed Ahead
Ch. Faera-Tainsh PDQ SDHF OD (OFA GR-72016G24F-PI)
Ch. Brookshire's Mean Girls (OFA GR-98647F24F-VPI)
Brookshire's In the Moment (OFA GR-99258F26M-VPI)
Brookshire I Wanna Talk About Me
Brookshire's Meaning Of Life
Brookshire Yukon Follow Me (OFA GR-98620F24F-VPI)
Brookshires GoldStrike Envy Me
Brookshire's Return to Me
Ch Brookshire Roumors About Me RN (OFA GR-101899G39F-VPI)
BIS BISS Am CH Summits MR. Bojangles OS SDHF (OFA GR-69996F24M-T)
Summits Only The Shadow Knows
Am/Can CH Summits Dancin'at Dustrax CD RE CGC (OFA GR-69298E24F-T)
BIS BISS Ch. GI-KI's Moonstruck SDHF (OFA GR-90639G27F-PI)
GCH CH GI-KI's Chasin' Moonbeams (OFA GR-89755F24F-PI)
Ch. GI-KI's Moon Weaver RN, JH, VC (OFA GR-90794G27M-PI)
GI-KI's Moonlight Breeze
GI-KI's Moondoggie
GI-KI's Sigmoond Freud
GI-KI Reaching for the Moon CD, TD, RE, WC, CGC
CH Shilo's C Y I'm Nu Mero Uno BISS (OFA GR-103171E29F-VPI)
GCH. Shilo's Ooh La La Pa'Ree (OFA GR-105226G24F-VPI)
Am-Can CH Shilo's Nu Blue Diamond (OFA GR-102133F24M-VPI)
Shilo's I Nu She Was Magnificent
Shilo's No Ree-Son To Worry
Shilo's C Y Ima Ree Pete @ Mapleglo CCA
Shilo's Million Ree Zons 2 Smile
Can CH Shilo Ree Member the Ambient Spirit (OFA GR-105150G24M-VPI)
Shilo Look Who's Makin The Nu'z (OFA GR-102896F27M-PI)
Shilo's Bright NU Day (OFA GR-102830G27F-VPI)
Am. Ch. Shilo's Nu Year's Celebration (OFA GR-105905E41F-VPI)
Shilo's Nu Sundog
Shilo's If I Nu Then What I Know Now
Shilo's Nu Boy Remy
BIS/BISS Can./Am. Ch. Klaasem's Zoom Zoom Zoom Can. SDHF, Can./Am. OS (OFA GR-86124G25M-PI)
Klaasems R You Ready To Rumble
Prospector Klaasem U R The One
BIS Am/Can Ch Klaasem's Hubba Hubba Hubba OS SDHF (OFA GR-85841G24M-PI OVC 0024981)
Klaasem's Yadda Yadda Yadda
Klaasem What Legends R Made Of
Am. Ch. Daybreak Varsity Jump OS (OFA GR-70669G26M-PI)
Daybreak Wedgwood True Wings (OFA GR70893F27F-PI)
Daybreak Stars N Stripes (OFA GR-71404G27F-PI)
BIS Can. Ch. Prospectors Klaasem Ooh La La (OVC 012356)
CanCH Prospectors Taylor Made
CanCH Prospectors Gold-en Triumph
Prospector's Just Havin' Fun TDIA
CanCH Prospector's Rocky Mountain Hi
CH. Shilo's C Y Ima Hott E OD, BISS (OFA GR-92006G24F-PI)
BISS BIS PRC./Arg./Ven./Col./Col.Gr./Br./Equa. CH. Shilo's Hott Machine (FCI A)
CH. Shilo's Hott Blue and Righteous RN (OFA GR-93096G28M-VPI)
Shilo's Hott Sugar Cookie
Shilo's 2 Hott 2 Handle
Shilo's Hott Pursuit
BIS BISS Am CH Summits MR. Bojangles OS SDHF (OFA GR-69996F24M-T)
Summits Only The Shadow Knows
Am/Can CH Summits Dancin'at Dustrax CD RE CGC (OFA GR-69298E24F-T)
CH Shilo's Waiting To Excel OD (OFA GR-81598G26F-PI)
Can CH Shilo's Fullo Y're Dream 2 Picabo (OFA GR-83327G24M-PI)
Shilo's Extra Shiny Gold Nugget
Shilo's Kodi Loves Exs N Os
Shilo's Gunn A Be A Star (OFA GR-91330G25F-PI)
Shilo's Never Gunn A Say Goodbye CD RE AXP AJP NFP CGC TDI
Shilo's Son Of A Gunn
Shilo's Gunn A Be Blue Skies
Shilo's Gunn A Do As Simon Sez
Shilo's Gunn Er Get R Done CD RA
Shilo's In Full Bloom
Shilo's Springvale Beauty Full (OFA GR-82802G24F-PI)
Shilo's Faith Full Samwise
Shilo's Delight Full Blossom
CH Shilo's Full Gainer With A Twist NAP, OJP (OFA GR-82687F24F-PI)
Shilo's Sawed Off Shot Gunn
Shilo's Full Of It (OFA GR-82731G24F-PI)
Shilo's Full Sail

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