
Golden Retriever

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Jansun Pennylane Highland Fling

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Jansun Pennylane Highland Fling (AKC SR72310801)
AmCH CanGCH Verdoro's Christopher Robin OS (AKC SR59134901 (9-11))
Verdoro's Pooh Ja'Vue Of Forum (AKC SR59134902)
Verdoro's Grand Poohbah Of Forum (AKC SR59134903)
BIS BISS Am. CH Monogram's Bada Bing SDHF OS (AKC SR190069/01)
Monogram's Forbidden Fruit (AKC SR190069/02)
CH. Monogram's All Due Respect (AKC SR190069/03)
Am/Can CH Chuckanut Party Favour O Novel SDHF OS (AKC SN80494801 (6/01))
Am CH Monogram's Prime Time (AKC SN78005901)
Am. CH. Monogram's Coffee Time (AKC SN780059/02)
Monogram's Camelot (AKC SN85208702)
Monogram's Braveheart (AKC SN85208701)
MACH Monogram's Once Upon A Time MXS MJG OAP OJP (AKC SN780059/03)
Monogram's Time Square (AKC SN780059/04)
Can Ch Verdoro's Switcheroo (CKC SQ121045)
Verdoro's Switch Hitter
Can Ch Verdoro's Main Switch
Can Ch Verdoro's Listen Up At Cherren TD (CKC NJ895160)
Can Ch Verdoro's Up And Coming CD CGN (CKC NJ895155)
Am/Can CH Verdoro Acting Up at CaneD'Oro JH, WC, CGC, TDI (AKC SR159918/01)
Can Ch Verdoro's Pi Beta Phi (CKC NE866081)
Can Ch Verdoro's Alpha Epsilon Pi
Ch. Pennylane Yankee Grand Finale BISS,BOSS (AKC SR39626702)
Am GCH CH / CanCH Pennylane Yankee Renegade BISS OS (AKC SR39626701)
Pennylane Camera On (AKC SR39626703)
Am Can CH Nautilus Just A Gigilo OS SDHF (AKC SN84582403 (11-02))
Th. Ch. Nautilus Moulin Rouge Jstarmr (AKC SN84582402)
Nautilus Magik's Just Do It (AKC SN84582405)
Ch Nautilus Not Justa Prty Face (AKC SN84582406 (2-04))
AmCH Pebwin XPDNC OS SDHF (AKC SN725801/01)
CH Pebwin Xpect The Unxpected OA AXJ OD (AKC SN725801/02)
BISS Am. CH Nautilus Flirt In The Jaguar OD (AKC SN48556702)
Nautilus Twin-Beau-D Paradise (AKC SN53372606)
Nautilus National Lampoon (AKC SN413025/03)
Nautilus Briggs' Blu Topaz (AKC SN48556704)
Am. CH Nautilus King of the Jungle (AKC SN72774901)
Am. Int. CH Nautilus Scotlandyard Bobby (AKC SN59829503)
CH Nautilus Mercedes Benz Rule (AKC SN48556703)
Nautilus Taramegs Surfer Gal (AKC SN72774904)
Nautilus People R Talking (AKC SN727749/06)
Nautilus Kamio Anna And The King (AKC SN72774905)
AmCH Nautilus Fabulous Kisser (AKC SN598295/02)
Nautilus Crown Victoria (AKC SN48556707)
AmCH Nautilus National Anthem (AKC SN413025/01)
Nautilus Ryvawin Rolls Royce (AKC SN485567/08)
Nautilus National Velvet (AKC SN413025/02)
Ur.Br.Ch. Nautilus Summer Sunrise (AKC SN53372601)
CH Nautilus Heart of the Ocean
Am./Can.CH. Pennylaneyankeecenterfieldstar OD (AKC SN74654701)
Pennylane's Golden Angel Kayla (AKC SN802058/05)
Pennylane Yankee Skipper (AKC SN4654703 (7-03))
Pennylane's Yankee Clipper
CAN.CH. Pennylane's The Legend Continues (AKC SN802058/02)
Pennylane's Yankee Allstar MVP (AKC SN46547/02)
Penny Lane Handsome Cab (AKC SN80205803)
BIS BISS Am Can CH Goodtime's Best Case Scenario CD JH WC VCX OS SDHF (AKC SN07572001 (4-95))
Goodtime's Shadow (AKC SN07572008)
Am. Ch. Goodtime's Best Foot Forward OD (AKC SN07572002)
BIS Am/Can CH Goodtime's Trademark of Rush Hill OA NAJ OS SDHF (AKC SN37992302 (12-98))
Am. CH Goodtime's Trade Secret AX, AXJ (AKC SN37992303)
Am. CH Goodtime's Jack of All Trades (AKC SN 379923/05)
Goodtime's Queenly Best (AKC SN07572003)
Goodtime's Best Rich Victory (AKC SN07572004)
MEX CH, GCM, CC Goodtime's Best Of Luck (AKC SN07572005)
Goodtime's Best Part Of Life (AKC SN07572006)
Goodtime's Best Is Yet To Come (AKC SN07572007)
Goodtime's Best Seller (AKC SN07572009)
Goodtime's Tricks Of The Trade (AKC SN37992301)
Goodtime's Trade Talk Mystar (AKC SN37992304)
Am/Can CH Goldenway's Lucky Penny CGC TDI (AKC SN43173203)

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