
Golden Retriever

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Andrew Of Lahaina

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Andrew Of Lahaina (AKC SF014813 (6-94))
Aleta's Brandy Snifter (AKC SE236012 (8-86))
Sir Renity Of Hawaii (AKC SD346858 (5-83))
Topbrass Kamuela Ranger (AKC SC539206)
Topbrass Handjive (AKC SC826168 (8-80))
Princess Kalia O Na Lani CD (AKC SC925752 (5-82))
Sunshine Of Haiku (AKC SD631035)
The Duke Of Sagen CD (AKC SD617969)
Sir Renity Of Hawaii (AKC SD346858 (5-83))
Sheba Of Haiku (AKC SD263714)
Hunter Lazlo (AKC SD226112)
Lady Nagasako (AKC SD756649 (8-86))
Kuma Bear (AKC SC269452 (6-82))
Hana Kalua (AKC SB801023 (1-78))
Sexie Sadie (AKC SB809924 (1-78))
Lady Chessica Of Kona (AKC SB824361 (3/1980))
Contessa De Serenidad (AKC SD185954 (10-83))
Calib Ilio O Haleakala (AKC SC519555 (10-81))
Sir Brodrick Montenegro (AKC SC654945 (2-86))
Lilikoi O Popoiwi (AKC SC883017 (10-81))

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