
Golden Retriever

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Ch CZ Oryn Boddy Artemis Gold

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Ch CZ Oryn Boddy Artemis Gold
CACT Oliver Watterloo Jr. Artemis Gold *U*Universal dog
Ozzy Artemis Gold
CH CZ Ortis Artemis Gold *U* Universal dog
Octavianus Bellus Artemis Gold
Oro de Monty Artemis Gold
Pia Mia Perrez Artemis Gold
Phoebe Jane Tonkin Artemis Gold ResCAC
Patricia Victoria Artemis Gold
Pearson Emma Morgan Artemis Gold
Parton Donna Hope Artemis Gold
Paul William Walker Artemis Gold
Patricio Borghetti Artemis Gold
Phillip Reeve Power Artemis Gold
Pharel Twinter Artemis Gold
INTERCh, GRANDCh,ClubCh, JChCZ,ChCZ,ChD(VDH),ChSK Watterloo Misantos 5xNational Winner, Club Winner,BIS, 10x BOB (Other CLP/GR/9293/06)
Westa Misantos Club Junior winner (FCI CLP/GR/9301)
Wellington Misantos
Wizard Misantos
Wanderdog Misantos
Woodbyne Misantos
Wasabi Misantos
Issu Misantos Artemis Gold
Isis Artemis Gold
CH CZ JCH CZ Wrangler Misantos ''U'' (Other CLP/GR/9298/06)
CZ CH Werra Misantos National Winner (Other CLP/GR/9302)
Wendy Misantos
ICh, Fr.Ch, German, VDH, Lux. Ch, Lux. JCh Inassicas Coriander
UCH Inassicas Wild Tulip
SE U(U)CH NO UCH Cheer's Way Of The World (Other S39115/93)
Cheer's Why Me (Other SwedKC # S39118/93)
Cheer's Walk About (Other SwedKC # S39114/93)
Cheer's Would I Lie To You (Other SwedKC # S39116/93)
Cheer's Water Delight (Other SwedKC # S39117/93)
Cheer's Willy Nilly (Other SwedKC # S39119/93)
V-WW'98, NORDV-94 NUCH NORDV-99 Cheer's What's New (Other SwedKC # S39120/93)
Inassicas Sea Mayweed (Other Swed KC S37561/97)
JCh CZ, Ch CZ Brenda of Dream Team (Other CLP/GR/6997/04)
CH SK Barbie of Dream Team
ICH CH JCH ,MultiCH. Brigitte of Dream Team (Other ČLP/GR/6991)
Int.Ch, Ch CZ & SK & PL, JCh CZ BRUCE of Dream Team ''U'' Best Retriever of the Year (Other CLP/GR/7039)
MultiCh,Int & HrCh Karvin Zaicca Klubsieger''01,Top winning GR in Croatia''01 & 02 (Other HR 10805 GR)
ICh, MCh, MJCh Ordoghegyi Berni Eni Tara (Other SPKP/782/01)
Ordoghegyi-Berni Kitty (Other 8492/02)
Ordoghegyi-Berni Zoe Magic
HSCH Ordoghegyi Berni Eddy
Lindsay Lohan Artemis Gold
Liv Tyler Artemis Gold
Leonardo Di Caprio Artemis Gold
Lewis Hamilton Artemis Gold
Louis Amstrong Artemis Gold
Lucas Bernardini Artemis Gold
ChD (VDH) ChCZ, GRANDCh CZ, JChCZ Cheek To Cheek Don Quijote de la Mancha Junior BOB, BOB, National Winner
Cheek to Cheek Dona Isabel
Cheek to Cheek Dona Sofia
Cheek to Cheek Don Diego de la Vega
INT CH, FR/PT/LUX/DK/NORW/SWE CH Mitcharron Love Bug of Francosvaley (FCI LOE1580633)
Mitcharron Love Affair with Arkathia
Cheek to Cheek Vodka Tonic
Cheek to Cheek Venetian Sunset
Cheek to Cheek Vino Verano (Other NHSB 2567824)
Pl.Ch. Cheek to Cheek Valencia Smile (FCI PKR.VIII-15863)
Cheek to Cheek Very Merry Berry
Jr.Pl.Ch., Pl.Ch. Cheek to Cheek Vodka Sunrise
ChCZ Sequins Shakira *U*Universal dog (FCI 528140000214593)
Dt. Ch VDH Sequins Soraya (Other N.H.S.B. 2583550)
German/VDH Junior Champion Sequins Supremes
ICH, TRIALER Royal Commander du Pays de Boheme (FCI LOF8 33406/5511)
The French Kiss du Pays de Boheme
Royal Rapsodie du Pays de Boheme
The Ocean Wave du Pays de Boheme
Royal Prince du Pays de Boheme
C.I.E,LTU&SWE(show)CH,FIN JW-01&FIN W-07,VetWW`10 Royal Salute du Pays de Boheme (Other LOF8RET.GOL. 033405)
The Lily of-the-Valley du Pays de Boheme (Other SHSB 637679)
Royal Princess du Pays de Boheme
Int.Swiss Ch & Trialer Royal Angel du Pays de Boheme
Vice-EW'07, Luxembourg & VDH & German CH Sequins Sycamore Bundes Siegerin '07 (FCI 2430992)
Eng Sh Ch, Int/Dutch/VDH/Ger/Nord/Swed Ch Sequins Shamrock WW'08, EW'04, 06, Vice-EW'07, JEW'03, Club winner (FCI N.H.S.B. 2430987)
Sequins Sallow
Sequins Savory
Sequins Seaweed

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