
Golden Retriever

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Benntos HP Cedric Diggory

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Benntos HP Cedric Diggory
Benntos HP Albus Dumbledore
Benntos HP Hermione Granger
Benntos HP Fleur Delacour
Benntos HP Ginevra Weasley
Benntos HP Sirius Black
Benntos HP Neville Longbottom
Benntos HP Rony Weasley
Benntos HP Rubeus Hagrid
Magicshades Fun, Fun, Fun (Other 38932)
Magicshades' Little Deuce Coupe (Other 38929)
Magicshades' Surfin' U.S.A. (AKC SR64126102)
JCh.Ch.Ven. Magicshades' Johnny B. Goode (Other FCV 105-147259)
CH Magicshades Finders Keepers (AKC SR64126101 (5-12))
Magicshades' Don't Worry Baby (Other 38934)
Magicshades' Car Crazy Cutie (Other 38935)
Magicshades' I Get Around (Other 38936)
Magicshades Lay All Your Love on Me (Other 44390)
Magicshades Voulez Vous (Other 33391)
Magicshades I Have a Dream (Other 44392)
INT'L CH Magicshades Confetti Mama Mia RN BN JH WC DN (AKC SR71324001)
Magicshades The Winner Takes it all (AKC SR71324003 (1-15))
Magicshades Super Trouper (AKC SR71324002)
Magicshades Abba of Goldenstars (Other fcv-105-153690)
BISS Am. CH Hytree's Ryd-N- Out The Storm SDHF OS (AKC SN87709103)
Hytree's May Bee A Classic (AKC SN911139/07)
Hytree's Rev'dUp N RarinToGo (AKC SN877091/01)
Hytree's Quick As A Wink (AKC SN87709105)
Hytree's Just Maybe (AKC SN91113905)
AM CH Hytree N' Honor's Mayday Malone (AKC SN91113903)
Hytree N April's Pedal To The Medal (AKC SN87709104)
CH. Hytree's I Wish I May CDX TDX WC VCX (AKC SN91113901)
Am CH. Faera's Future Classic OS (AKC SF877338 (11/91))
Faera's The Kidd's Credentials (AKC SF-371599)
Faera's Future Finesse (AKC SF-874372)
Faera's Future Looks Rosy (AKC SF-877337)
Faera's Future Vsop (AKC SF-888756)
Faera's Future Windsong (AKC SF-877692)
Am./Can. CH. Faera's Forever A Kidd CD CGC (AKC SF-426073)
Am. CH Faera's Razzle Dazzle's Kidd (AKC SF-307590)
Faera's Future Classy Cassy (AKC SF-912979)
Am CH Faera's The Keepsake Kidd OD (AKC SF371586 (12/90))
BIS Am Ch. Faera's Destiny Kodiak Kidd OS SDHF (AKC SF367893 (9/90))
Am CH Faera's Tanish Speed Deamon OD (AKC SN63756905)
Faera-Tainsh Nick Of Time (AKC SN63756908)
AmCH Faera-Tainsh Full Speed Ahead (AKC SN63756901)
Ch. Faera-Tainsh PDQ SDHF OD (AKC SN63756906)
BPY Redog Venture's Lifes What U Make It (AKC SR47059501)
Am. CH Ventures Everywhere We Go BOSS (AKC SR283543/02)
CH. Venture's Every Beat Of My Heart OD (AKC SR28354305)
Venture's Every Hit's A Run (AKC SR283543-06)
CH Ventures Everyones Gentleman (AKC SR28354307)
Venture's Evry Lil Thing She Does (AKC SR28354304)
Venture's Lovin' Every Minute (AKC SR283543/01)
BISS GCH CH Summits Every Fashion Venture OD (AKC SR28354303)
Redog's Tickle My Fancy (AKC SR02178103)
BIS VBIS Am GCH CH Redog's N' Mariah's Tickled Pink OD SDHF BVISS (#10 all-breed 2006) (AKC SR021781/02)
Redog's Ticklish Endeavor (AKC SR02178105)
Redog's Tickle Me Dancing (AKC SR02178104)
Redog's Tickle Jonah Yoder (AKC SR02178107)
Redog Daisy Mae (AKC SR02178108)
Redog's Tickle Me Pink (AKC SR02178106)
Am. CH Redog's Ticklish Affair (AKC SR02178101 (11/04))
Benntos Brinkley by Snownesbik
Br Puppy Ch Benntos Breakfast at Tiffany's
Am CH/ Br CH. Rosecrest Summit The Apprentice (AKC SR25266201)
Rosecrest Mona's Lisa's (AKC SR25266208)
Summit's Cause For Applause (AKC SR299367/01)
BIS BISS Am CH Summits MR. Bojangles OS SDHF (AKC SN57129701 (12/00))
Summits Only The Shadow Knows (AKC SN57129702)
Am/Can CH Summits Dancin'at Dustrax CD RE CGC (AKC SN-571297/03)
AmCH Rosecrest Million Dollar Mermaid (AKC SN716064/05)
Rosecrest Nalyn's Top Billing (AKC SN71606401)
Rosecrest Crimson Glory (AKC SN519721/01)
Rosecrest's Bell Enfant (AKC SN51972105)
Walgod Little Miss Sunshine (Other RG/DFA/08/01023)
Walgod Bethany Hamilton (Other RG/DFA/08/01022)
Walgod City of Angel (Other RG/DFA/08/01021)
Walgod Road of Park Way (Other RG/DFA/08/01024)
Walgod Thought Freedom (Other RG/DFA/08/01025)
Walgod Blueberry Nights (Other RG/DFA/08/01026)
BIS BISS Br GCH CH Int Nac Venc CH Freedom of Golden Spirit (AKC SR38037301)
BIS BISS. Br CH&GCH/ Pan CH&GCH. First Lady of Golden Spirit (Other CBKC)
M BIS.Ina CH Forever Yours of Golden Spirit
Field Flower of Golden Spirit
Fingerprint of Golden Spirit (Other Spq/04/01610)
Br.Ch. Br.Gr.Ch. Feel my Heart of Golden Spirit
South Island?s You See (Other RG SCB/05/00587)
South Island's Very Best All The Time (Other RG/SCB/05/00007)

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