
Golden Retriever

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HrvJCH, Nat. Ability CH Ben Hur Anima Candida Of Shadymist WC

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

HrvJCH, Nat. Ability CH Ben Hur Anima Candida Of Shadymist WC
Betty Boop Anima Candida
Blaze of Glory Anima Candida
V-WW'13,V-WW'15,JWW'12, HJCh,ROCH,HSCH, C.I.E. Dewmist Hope Of Harlequin
SEU(u) Ch NOU Ch Dewmist Cape Of Good Hope
Dewmist Handful of Hope
Aust CH Dewmist Highway of Hope
Dts.Vdh. CH Dewmist Satellite Belgian Winner '03
JWW?03,Swe Sh Ch Dewmist Serenella
SV CH Dewmist Serenade
SE VCH SE U(U)CH Dewmist Serenata
Nord & Fin & Swe Sh & Norw Ch Dewmist Supersonic
SE U(U)CH NO UCH Dewmist Samsonite
SE U(U)CH Telkaro Diamond Dust
Telkaro Rough Diamond JW
Telkaro Diamond Wedding with Jonsen
Vice-WW'03, ChSwe, Den, Pl, Lv Dewmist Shaquille LvW'07
Can Ch Dewmist Stromboli
N UCH Dewmist Shaughnessy
SV-02 SU(U)CH Dewmist Stravinsky
IL.CH Dewmist Samurai (12 years)
WW'12. HSCH. HJCh. Dewmist Star Of The Blue Hope
NO UCH, SE U(U)CH Dewmist Star of India
Dewmist Star of Ruspoli
SU(U)CH, NUCH, SE VW 2014 Dewmist Star Of Africa
SE U(U)CH Dewmist Star of Koh-I-Noor
SU(U)CH NORDV-03 NUCH, VWW-08 Erinderry Gaelic Minstrel (13 years)
Erinderry Gaelic Summer
Erinderry Harry Potter of Ventess
Erinderry Gaelic Song
Erinderry Gaelic Mist
Erinderry Gaelic Breeze
Erinderry Hannah of Salako
Erinderry Hamlet
Sh. Ch. Erinderry Gaelic Gold Of Glenavis (11.5 years)
Erinderry Hercules
SE U(U)CH SE V-11 NORD VV-11 Dewmist Starcadia (11 years)
Dewmist Starchelle
Dewmist Starquette
Dewmist Starflight
JrHrCH, JrSloCH Ava Gardner Anima Candida
Angeline Jolie Anima Candida
Jr. Ch. HR, Slov Latino Lover V.I.M. Team
Cro.Ch. Bumble - Bee V.I.M. Team
Junior Ch., Ch.Hr. Lazy Dreamer V.I.M. Team
Love Hurts V.I.M. Team
International, French, Luxembourg Ch. Taram du Bois de la Rayere (10.5 years)
Too Much du Bois de la Ray?re
Vice Et Versa du Bois de la Rayere
Tartuffe du Bois de la Ray?re
Tasha du Bois de la Rayere
Junior Ch., Ch.Hr. Arenaria
JCh Cro Arabis (2002, son of Karvin Zaicca)
Pretty Woman Anima Candida
Porcelain Doll Anima Candida
MultiCh,Int & HrCh Karvin Zaicca Klubsieger''01,Top winning GR in Croatia''01 & 02
Victoria de Degenia Velebitica

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