
Golden Retriever

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Go Gold's Sergeant York TD JH AX MXJ XF CGC

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Go Gold's Sergeant York TD JH AX MXJ XF CGC (AKC SR73145304)
GoGold's Giving It All I Got (AKC SR73145307)
MACH PACH Go Gold Throttle Up! MX MXJ MXB MJB OF T2B; CCA AAD (AKC SR73145303)
Go Gold's Killian Irish Red BN RE AX MXJ MXF T2B CGC DS (AKC SR73145306)
Gogold's Kandu Kaydyn MX MXJ OAP OJP MXF MFS T2B TKI DN (AKC SR73145305)
Go Gold's Bottoms Up! OA OAJ AXP OF DSA JH DM SG SS SJ SP CGC (AKC SR73145302)
GoGolds Always Playin' Games ADCH MAD TM-B IND SSN AX MXJ OF (AKC SR73145301)
Mioak's Miss Congeniality (AKC SR76879606)
Go Gold's Blondie (AKC SR3145308)
Mioak's Racing In The Rain MH ** OS (AKC SR59075808)
Mioaks Atticus Finch WCX,NUCS Champion, UFTA Champion, NUCS Hall of Fame (AKC SR59075807)
Mioak's All Riled Up (AKC SR59075801)
Mioaks Southbound Sammy JH (AKC SR59075806)
Mioak's Rain Or Shine (AKC SR79005710)
Mioak's Missippi Fritz MH (AKC SR59075805)
Mioaks Ivys Dexter SH (AKC SR79005704)
Mioaks Kracklin Zoe MH (AKC SR71187702)
Moaks Atticus Finch WCX (AKC SR59075807)
Mioak's Gangsta Girl MH (AKC SR71187701)
Mioak's Mr Woody ** (AKC SR79005702)
Rv Atr's Gangstaman MH *** OS (AKC SR24219706 (7-09))
Atr Doc Holiday ** (AKC SR24219704)
FTCH AFTCH Cedarpond's R.V. Am *** OS Can. FDHF (CKC YC912520)
Cedarpond's Fairway Legend ** (CKC CC-164809)
Cedarpond's Brunswick Mist
Cedarpond Am I Tuff Enuff CanWCX (CKC CC164771)
Cedarpond Midas Dazzling Diana SH, WCX (AKC SN20074601)
GMHR Cedarpond RockErin Always Redy (AKC SN360420/01)
FTCH GMHR Cedarpond Rockerin Beabhin *** OD (AKC SN35761401)
Cedarpond's Goldenboy Talia (AKC SN51073101)
Cedarpond Alberta Bound Can *** (CKC YC-912508)
Cedarpond Gabriel *** (CKC YC912514)
Tigathoe's Cut of Cedarpond Can *** (CKC VW752297)
Cedarpond's Makwa II Can*** WCX
FC FTCH AFTCH Cedarpond Brasdor Skywalker OS Can. FDHF (AKC SN209082/01 (10-96))
Cedarpond Blaine Splash Of Gold (AKC SN21926801)
Cedarpond Topbrass Canuck WCX JH (AKC SN31546901)
Cedarpond's First Power (CKC YC-912504)
Cedarpond Dash To Ambertrail (CKC CC164764)
Cedarpond Wrassl Tassl Can ***
Cedarpond Ninja Red *** OS (AKC SM93381901)
FTCH Cedarpond's Nike *** Can FDHF (CKC YC-912517)
Ida Red Atr's Eclectic Ebby *** WCX (AKC SN810198/08)
AFC Ida Red's Atalanta Challenge MH (AKC SN810198/07)
HRCH Ida Red Bad Moon Rising MH (AKC SN810198/02)
Ida Red's Cheatin' Heart SH OA MXJ (AKC SN810198/03)
OTCH HRCH UH Ida Reds Terra Cotta UDX5 OM6 MH VCX WCX CCA (AKC SN810198/04)
Ida Red's Sweet Jen ** WCX (AKC SN810198/05)
Ida Red Hot Chili Pepper SH WCX (AKC SN810198/06)
Ida Red's Georgia Peach *** WCX (AKC SN810198/09)
Ida Red's Lucy In The Sky *** MH32 (AKC SN810198/10)
Mioaks Dutchmans Ivy *** OD (AKC SR20034104)
Annabelle Get Your Gun WC (AKC SR35066505)
Creek's PT Cruiser
Creek Brandy Old Fashion JH WCX (AKC SR200341/07)
Creek's Picture Perfect
Mioak's Keepin' the Faith ** OS (AKC SN68427805)
Mioak's Lucy Lawless (AKC SN684278/01)
Mioak's Hoosier Gumbo (AKC SN68427806)
Glenwild's Kandy Kayne (AKC SN68427801)
Bear Lake's Honey That's Dozer (AKC SN68427807)
Mioak's Autumn Lace (AKC SN68427804)
Rippling Run Honey's Rowdy SH WCX (AKC SN649293/07)
MHR HRCH UH Merrymeeting Allium CD MH (AKC SN649293/05)
HRCH Rippling Run GoodGolly Molly MH UD WCX OD (AKC SN649293/03)
HRCH UH Rippling Run Sweetwater Riley (AKC SN649293/02)
Rippling Run Moon Rock AX AXJ (AKC SN71928404)
Rowdy too
Rippling Run Feather Finder (AKC SN64929306)
Rippling Run's Rowdy (AKC SN64929301)
Go Gold's Ms. Conduct NA NAJ NF OD (AKC SR32761201)
Go Gold's Bing! Bing! Bing! OA OAJ OF PTM APD APS APG SPR (AKC SR32761207)
Go Gold's Blake
MACH2 Go Gold's Riley Express CD MXB2 MJC NF ADHF (AKC SR32761202)
Mioak's Keepin' the Faith ** OS (AKC SN68427805)
Mioak's Lucy Lawless (AKC SN684278/01)
Mioak's Hoosier Gumbo (AKC SN68427806)
Glenwild's Kandy Kayne (AKC SN68427801)
Bear Lake's Honey That's Dozer (AKC SN68427807)
Mioak's Autumn Lace (AKC SN68427804)
Belvedere Forever Raisn'cain *** OS (AKC SN15763602 (4-98))
Kiss Me Kate of Belvedere CD OA (AKC SN206797/04)
Belvedere's Rosemary (AKC SN15763601)
Belvedere's Lady Diana SH (AKC SN272765/04)
Belvedere Encore of Rocky-Vue *** (AKC SN206795/01)
Belvedere Bravo of Rocky Vue *** (AKC SN27276502)
Choctaw Deerwoods Hellsbells (AKC SN31304801 (10-98))
Deerwood's Fowl Investigator (AKC SN221984/06)
Briarcrofts Pars:No Bogey CanCD WCX SH (CKC 1063227)
Deerwood Scout ** (AKC SN221984/07)
Morgan's Calloway (AKC SN22198405 (4-97))
Deerwood Lila Of Oak Hill JH WC (AKC SN22198401)
Go Gold's Four Off The Floor MX MXJ (AKC SR064889/04)
Gogold Footloos N Fancy Feet AX AXJ NF DSA CGC (AKC SR064889/01)
Gogold The Sky's The Limit AX AXJ (AKC SR064889/02)
GoGold's Duke (AKC SR064889/06)
MACH2 GoGold Orions Guddog Hntg MXC MJG OF AD (AKC SR064889/03)
FC AFC Glenhaven HTRS MN Baronet MH OS FDHF (AKC SN35926804 (4-01))
Hunters Moon Bodacious Gold (AKC SN35926802)
Hunter's Moon Shan's Brandywine (AKC SN35926803)
Waterfowler's Golden Bailey (AKC SN35926805)
Dixie's Bit O'Hunter's Moon (AKC SN35926806)
MACH Glenhaven Htrs Mn Hat Trick MH MXG MJB2 WCX ** ADHF AAD JM EAC EJC OGC (AKC SN359268/01)
MACH3 NATCH/U-ATCH Shoreland's Happy Feet MXG MJG ADHF (AKC SN452993/07)
Shoreland's Oregon Trail CDX U-CD (AKC SN452993/06)

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