
Golden Retriever

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ChMNE Norrybell Sanitacteam Day

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

ChMNE Norrybell Sanitacteam Day (FCI ED0 2011)
Nickienight Sanitacteam Day (ED0)
Nancylight Sanitacteam Day
International, Slovenian, Croatian Champion Xanthos Blaze Of Glory Club Junior winner (0)
Xanthos Beaumaris Maid (OFA GR-EL6120F24-PI)
Xanthos Baby Bunting
Xanthos Barley Corn
Xanthos Be Bop A Lula At Pinellas
Xanthos Be Mine At Boxheath (BVA Elbow Score 1)
Xanthos Bee In My Bonnet
Xanthos Bird Song
Xanthos Bold As Brass
Xanthos Box Clever
Xanthos Brazen Hussy
Xanthos Burning Bright
Eng. Ch. Xanthos Tom Foolery JW SGWC (BVA Score 1:0)
Xanthos April Showers (0:0)
Xanthos Ruby Murray (BVA Score 0:0)
Eng. SH. CH. Xanthos Shiny And Bright For Fernavy (BVA Elbow Score 0:0)
Xanthos Whistle and Flute
Eng. Ch. Ritzilyn Cockney Robin JW, SGWC
Ritzilyn Bowstreet Runner
Ritzilyn Cockney Rebel
Ritzilyn Mayfair
Ritzilyn Dorchester Dickie At Branjoy
Xanthos Rahnee (BVA Score 0:0)
Xanthos Reemah At Coldnose
Xanthos Rommel
German Ch Xanthos Lah Di Dah SGWC (BVA 0-0)
Xanthos Lochniamh (BVA Score 0:0)
Eng.Sh.Ch Rainscourt Fall Guy JW
Rainscourt Free Spirit
Rainscourt Fun And Frolic
Dewmist Cloudburst
Dewmist Cadwallader
LP Dewmist Chincherinche (0)
Ch.Srb Splendid Star Trixie (FCI 0/0)
Splendid Star Little Tiger
Splendid Star Tiffany
Splendid Star Tango (OFA GR-EL21693F45-VPI)
Little Violet's Over The Ocean
Little Violet's Oh La La (0/0)
Little Violet's Ornella Muti (0:0)
JWW'01, Vice-EW'05, DH-CH. Wheatcroft Ice Diamond (0)
Wheatcroft's Sky Diamond
Eng SH CH Wheatcroft White Diamond
Wheatcroft Diamonds are Forever at Glenavis
Wheatcroft Diamond Dazzle
AT VCH Wheatcroft Diamond Violets (Clear (2002))
Vet CH Trewater Scorcha (0/0)
NO UCH Trewater Sweet William
Trewater Sadie
Trewater Saffie (0:0 (1998))
Splendid Star Kitty Girl
Little Violet's Grizzley Bear (0/0)
Little Violet's Gino Ginelli
Little Violet?s Grace Kelly
Little Violet's Gina Lollobrigida
Little Violet?s Gigolo (0/0)
HJCH Retrievers of Village Bonny
Retrievers of Village Bad Girl

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