K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Karousel's Paradise Road

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Karousel's Paradise Road
Am.Ch. Rosestones Piece of the Rock
CH Karousel Pleasure Seeker
Karousels Ta Dah
BISS CH Tabatha's Drifter At Dickendall JH
Am CH Tabatha's Dazzle WC
AmCH Tabatha's Delectable
Am.Ch. Waterbound Hayley's Comet
Ch. Blackstone Waterbound Troy
Waterbound Mirra Image
Rose Stone Dove JH
CH Waterbound Chere
Rose Stones Ruby
Am CH Boradors The Goblin
Rose Stones Tiger JH
Karousels Ta Dah
CH Karousel Pleasure Seeker
BISS CH Tabatha's Drifter At Dickendall JH
Am CH Tabatha's Dazzle WC
AmCH Tabatha's Delectable
Am CH Dickendall Arnold
Dickendalls Hall Farm Helen
Dickendall Davaron Orange Rufy JH
Am CH Tabatha's Valleywood Decoy WC
AmCH Valleywood Skyrocket
Am.Ch. Waterbound Hayley's Comet
Ch. Blackstone Waterbound Troy
Waterbound Mirra Image
AmCH Boradors Ridgway Reflection
Ridgway's Black Cherry
Ridgeway's Black Cherry
Sunnybrook Acres Sprite

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