K9data.comLabrador Retriever

MoonLit's Banana Cream Pie

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

MoonLit's Banana Cream Pie (AKC SR24280801)
Am.Ch. Enterprise Windfall Bananas Foster (AKC SN66169506)
Am.Ch. Fenwyck's J. Barrymore At Windfall (AKC SN54493404)
Fenwyck's Nat King Kole
Fenwyck's Hans Auff (AKC SN34981106)
Attikonak Dancer'N'Romancer (FCI S15323/96)
Attikonak Don't Mess With Dynamite (FCI S35087/99)
SE UCh, NO UCh Attikonak Kaboom Shake The Room SW-96, EUJW-97, CPHJW-07, NordW-98Ch (FCI S15318/96)
Attikonak What The Heck Guideline (FCI S35082/99)
Enterprise Next Generation (AKC SN30122501)
Am CH Windfall's Highlander (AKC SN08782803)
Ch Windfalls Stormy Sunrise at Banner (AKC SN54100302)
AmCH Windfall's Fortune Teller (AKC SN23707408)
Windfall's Fame And Fortune (AKC SN23707412)
Windfall's Shadowfax At Forsythe (AKC SN54100303)
Windfall's Fortune Cookie (AKC SN23707409)
Windfalls Stormy Summer At Fenwyck (AKC SN54100304)
Am.Can.Ch. Windfalls Dreambuie Smuggler (AKC SN08782804 (9-96))
BISS Am CH Windfall's Black Piper WCX JH (AKC SN08782801)
Am.Ch. Windfall's Scotch Thistle (AKC SN08782802)
AmCH Windfall's Stormy Sky (AKC SN54100301)
AmCH Winfall's Stormy Sunrise At Banner CGC (AKC SN54100302)
Kelleygreens Miss Penelope CD (AKC SF790850)
Locust Hill's Honey Pie (AKC SN92425705)
Am CH Tabatha's Hunterleigh Riot (AKC SN53578909)
Tabatha's Morning Glory (CKC 1075158)
Am CH Tabatha's Nipntuck You Are It (AKC SN13062802)
Scent Trails Tug Of War (AKC SN38730306)
AmCH Tabatha's Morning Chat (AKC SN13062802)
Tabatha's Escapade at Carowby (AKC SN13062801)
Tabatha's P. Doyle at Erinwood (AKC SN13062806)
Sunspots Dixie of Locusthill (AKC SN71640002)
Am CH Crossfield's Cobham (AKC SB26914904)
Sunspot's Ivy League (AKC SN41435505)
Sunspots Abbie of Shingabus (AKC SN41435501)

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