
Golden Retriever

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Loralei's I'll Have Another

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Loralei's I'll Have Another (9.5 years)
CH Loralei's Luck Of The Draw WC CCA (12.5 years)
Loralei's Big Kahuna JH, WCX (11.5 years)
Am CH/MBIS Int CH Fallchase Mile Marker BOSS
Int'l Ch Fallchase Gemini's High Stakes (11 years)
CH Fallchase Gemini Markquise Diamond NAJ OD CGC (9 years)
Fallchase Magic Marker (12 years)
CH Fallchase Tucker The Remarkable CD (12 years)
Loralei's Quick Draw JH, WC (15.5 years)
Loralei's Sundance Kid
Loralei Meadow Sky (13 years)
Loralei Magik's Texas Ranger (11.5 years)
Loralei Gold Rush Frisco (9 years)
Loralei Paniola Kona (12.5 years)
Rex Glass
Loralei's Desperado CD (12.5 years)
Loralei's Croccodile Kid CGC CCA OD (11.5 years)
Loralei's Aborignal Original CD, U-CD, CGC, U-Ag1, RN (13.5 years)
AM CH Lycinan's Big Bang CDX JH WC VC OS (13.5 years)
Lycinan's Rotten To The Core
Lycinan's Claim To Gold (10 years)
Lycinan Eldorado's Aurora
SHR Lycinan PlezBtheOne 4 BeKens CDX RE TDX JH AX AXJ VCD2 WCX CCA VCX CGC RATI RATN (12.5 years)
Loralei's Quick Draw JH, WC (15.5 years)
Loralei's Sundance Kid
Loralei Meadow Sky (13 years)
Loralei Magik's Texas Ranger (11.5 years)
Loralei Gold Rush Frisco (9 years)
Loralei Paniola Kona (12.5 years)
Rex Glass
Loralei's Desperado CD (12.5 years)
Goldruls Little Moments CCA (12 years)
Goldruls Brand New Key RN CCA
Goldruls Fortunate Son (8.5 years)
Ch SunChase Ultra-Brite Not (9.5 years)
SunChase Godiva Too Qd An Attitude CD
SunChase Gleem In My Eyes
SunChase Closeup-N-Personal (9 years)
Am. Ch. Daybreak Varsity Jump OS (9.5 years)
Daybreak Wedgwood True Wings
Daybreak Stars N Stripes
Am/Can CH Domans SunChase U Snews U Lose (9.5 years)
Can.Ch. Doman's New and Perfect Misty
Doman's Song of the Skylark
Doman Justmoor Forever More
Doman Starcliff Clever NDeavor
Am. CH Goldruls Kari O Key BOSS (10 years)
Goldruls Merry Days Christmas Cookey TD CCA
UKC CH Goldruls WalKey'N On Sunshine RN UR01 THD CCA CGC TDI (7.5 years)
Goldruls Royal Key Note RN (13 years)
Goldruls Key En Es Bello (13 years)
Goldruls Chic Key Dee AXJ CCA (10 years)
Goldruls Key To My Heart Georgia TDX (12 years)
Am. CH Harborview Goldruls Warrior Poet OS (7.5 years)
Harborview Irish U Luck (8 years)
Am. CH Goldruls Key To Par A Dice TD JH CCA VC OD (7 years)
Goldruls Hailey Jo Stefanko (13 years)
Goldruls Caribbean Taa-joe (0.5 years)
Goldruls Abaco (11 years)
Goldruls Coco Cay CD RA OA AXJ NF (14 years)
Goldruls Caribbean Riptide (8.5 years)
Goldruls Jamaican Me Laugh (10.5 years)
Goldruls Caribbean Tradewind CGC (9.5 years)
Goldruls Bahama Breeze (10 years)

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