
Golden Retriever

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Dustin Prince Charming Valentine

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Dustin Prince Charming Valentine (AKC SR55785810)
Denzil's Loveshack Dakota (AKC SR37301808 (10-07))
Kim's Golden Tucker
Gunners Carmel Ice Cream (AKC SR08004401 (5-06))
Totally Dood Miss Micka (AKC SR08004404)
Totally Dood Miss Betti-Jo (AKC SR08004405)
Tucker The Big Red Dawg (AKC SN61914908 (1-01))
Black's Amber Mischief (AKC SN55228402(01-01))
Sadee's Perfect Too (AKC SR08971502 (1-07))
Pulali's Northwest Pride (AKC SN67702804 (9-03))
BISS Am Can Ch Pulali's Stetson Fits OS SDHF (AKC SN677028/03)
Pulali's Pursuit of Perfection (AKC SN677028/02)
Pulali's Just Imagine (AKC SN67702806)
Pulali's Americas Pasttime (AKC SN67702805)
Pulali's The Real Thing (AKC SN67702807)
Pulali'sgreatststuffonearth (AKC SN67702808)
Glennen's Pepper Perfect (AKC SN54789607 (2-01))
Glennen's Precious Jewel (AKC SN547896/02)
Glennens Crystal Rose (AKC SN547896/01)
Glennens Frontier Legend (AKC SN547896/11)
Glennens Maximilian (AKC SN54789610)
Poko Bambino Picasso (AKC SN54789609)
Hamilton's Riley (AKC SN54789605)
Whidbey II (AKC SN54789603)
Charming Princess Chloe (AKC SR43341408)
Prince Cassidy Martin (AKC SR00722503)
Prince Bailey Love (AKC SN05994905 (6-02))
Saxon Bailey Spirritts (AKC SN05994904)
Mandy Cassidy Cranfill (AKC SN57999002)
Denzils Sugar Baby Girl (AKC SN85156211 (7-02))
Coulee's Sharp Shootin Gunner (AKC SN65751408)
Trixie Renee (AKC SN63212908)

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