
Golden Retriever

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Reflect Bray-Speck

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Reflect Bray-Speck
INTUCH NORDUCH Dewmist Chrysander (Sweden HD U (198?))
Dewmist Chanterelle
N UCH, NORDV-81 Noravon Lucius (normal (1979))
Noravon Lucretia (UA (197?))
Aust. CH Noravon Otto Goldtreve
Swiss/Hol. CH. Noravon Romulus
Noravon Lavinia
Noravon Troilus of Camrose
Noravon Marcella
Eng. CH. Camrose Fabius Tarquin (BVA Hip Score 5:5)
Nor. CH. Camrose Ptarmigan (HD fri Norden (19??))
Camrose Hosanna
Camrose Fillipa Thisbe
Camrose Filistina
Camrose Fluegelman
Eng. SH. CH. Camrose Hardangerfjord Of Beldonburn JW
Camrose Haugtussa of Loddonvale
Camrose Huldra of Perrimay
Camrose Phlorentina
Camrose Pomander Can.CD
Camrose Harra of Alphinbrook
Australian CH Camrose Phlayia Charmer
Camrose Phelicia Of Glorfindel
Noravon Melissa
Noravon Magnus
Nortonwood Jasamanda (Sweden HD U (19??))
Eng. CH. Camrose Cabus Christopher (BVA Hip Score 11:7)
Eng. CH. Hughenden Cabus Columbia
Greenwards Cabus Celtic
Eng. CH. Cabus Caruso
Swed. CH. Cabus Clipper
NUCH Cabus Clarion
Hughenden Cabus Columb
Cabus Clarissa of Vementry
Eng. SH. CH. Ninell Charade of Nortonwood
Eng. CH. Ninell Franchesca (BVA 4:11)
Eng. SH. CH. Ninell Crusade of Dabess
Ninell Cascade
Ninell Coronade of Dougmar
Ninell Filip
Braydan Scots Mist
CanCH Braydan Scots Thistle
Braydan Pisces Pippa Of Jobernela
Braydan Scots Gowan
Camrose Moritz Of Braydan
VDH. CH. Camrose Mellowmist
Eng. CH. Davern Figaro (BVA Score 15 Total)
Davern Fennella
Davern Fergus (Sweden HD U (19??))
Camrose Fillipa Thisbe
Nor. CH. Camrose Ptarmigan (HD fri Norden (19??))
Camrose Hosanna
Camrose Filistina
Camrose Fluegelman
Eng. SH. CH. Camrose Hardangerfjord Of Beldonburn JW
Camrose Haugtussa of Loddonvale
Camrose Huldra of Perrimay
Camrose Phlorentina
Eng. CH. Camrose Fabius Tarquin (BVA Hip Score 5:5)
Camrose Pomander Can.CD
Camrose Harra of Alphinbrook
Australian CH Camrose Phlayia Charmer
Camrose Phelicia Of Glorfindel
Braydan Star Attraction
Braydan Star Appeal of Amatan
Braydan Star Artiste
Eng. CH. Nortonwood Faunus (BVA Hip Score 7:5)
Nortonwood Feronia of Dewmar
Nortonwood Fides
Nortonwood Fortuna of Camrose
Braydan Bray

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