
Golden Retriever

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Heidi Ann IV

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Heidi Ann IV (AKC SN69075504 (7-01))
Pepsi VII (AKC SN63452001 (01-01))
Cindy Joy (AKC SN73094802 (5-01))
Pepsi VII (SN63452001) (AKC SN63452001 (1-01))
Orrville's Fluff (AKC SN33279602 (6-97))
Quarter Ridge Wally World (AKC SM93487306)
Twenty-Four Karat Rolex (AKC SF362401 (3-90))
Utopia Tashina Lee (AKC SE941751 12-88)
Golden Boy Nugget II (AKC SF374360)
Utopia Rob's Baby Sister (AKC SF347425)
Utopia Rambulling Rasberry (AKC SF426937)
Golden Sandy Nagai (AKC SF110685 (6/89))
Gold Beau's Junior Brubaker (AKC SE347387 03-88)
Sassy Shannon Of Providence (AKC SE944927 03-88)
Kelly's Tammy (AKC SN44261008 (1-99))
Msk's Sterling Snoop (AKC SN26381106 (7-97))
Sir Riley Newman Dreher (AKC SN33096207)
Dovis Peak's Madison Mae (AKC SN42467701)
Moe's True Miss Daisy (AKC SN424677/07)
Burrows Clancy Clown (AKC SN33096203)
Utopia FlyingTurbo (AKC SM90901910 (12-92))
Gold Rush Avalon Golden Sunset
Talshia's Citrine Sunrise (AKC SF861407)
Olivia Jean Lucile (AKC SN27916410)
Audrey's Golden Grahm (AKC SN27916406 (9/97))
Barnes' Sir Maxamillion (AKC SM90044801 (7/95))
Sweet Abigail Joy (AKC SM93061602 (11/95))

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