
Golden Retriever

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Blackgold Chesterfield Loger

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Blackgold Chesterfield Loger
Syzygy X-Plosive Xylon CCA, CGC (OFA GR-106477F24M-NOPI)
IntCH Syzygy X'udes Amaizn' Tude RN,TD (BVA 0.29791666667)
Syzygy Jonathan L. Seagull CGC TDI (OVC 0037281 No HD)
Syzygy Jasmine Blooms at Hollins
Syzygy Jadzia Dax
Syzygy Juliet Capulet
Can. CH. Kyon's Hot To Trot OS (OFA GR-62378G28M-T)
Syzygy Rock A Bye Babe (OFA GR-60428G25F)
Syzygy Rock 'N Roll Legend
Syzygy Quest 'N Thyme (OFA GR-101451G28F-PI)
Syzygy Sunnylaine Quintescence
Syzygy Stilla Polar Hot Uhaul Spirit
Can CH Kyon's Burning White Hot CCA (OFA GR-86207G24M-PI)
SM Glenview Spirit O' Farview (OFA GR-78435G24F-PI)
Farview Happy Talk (OFA GR-79743G36F-PI)
Springmdw's Precious Abigail (OFA GR-80654G31F-PI)
Blackgold Jelly Bean (OFA GR-106441F29F-NOPI)
Blackgold Kalmsea's Scarlett Runner Bean (OFA GR-105868G26F-PI)
Am/Can MBISS Am/Can GCHB. Kalm Sea's To Have and To Hold CGC, OS (OFA GR-97590G24M-VPI)
Kalm Sea's Together Forever
BISS CH Clarkcreek Force Of Nature OS (OFA GR-88926G24M-PI)
Ch. Clarkcreek Isadora Growlsellini BISS (OFA GR-88927F24F-PI)
Kalm Sea's Charlotte Russe (OFA GR-82758G24F-PI)
Moongate's Rebel at Kalm Sea (OFA GR82993F25F-PI)
Golden Acres Sir Dudley
AmCH Golden Acres Flowers Of Iris
Blackgold Firer Cracker (OFA GR-98377F56F-PI)
Am CH Blackgold Garden of Eden (OFA GR-53446G24M-T)
BlackGold Maiden Of Eden (OFA GR-53951G25F-T)
Blackgold Sister Of David (OFA GR-64873F29F)

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