
Golden Retriever

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Gemini's Bama's Bear Bryant

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Gemini's Bama's Bear Bryant
CH Loralei's Luck Of The Draw WC CCA (12.5 years)
Loralei's Big Kahuna JH, WCX (11.5 years)
Am CH/MBIS Int CH Fallchase Mile Marker BOSS
Int'l Ch Fallchase Gemini's High Stakes (11 years)
CH Fallchase Gemini Markquise Diamond NAJ OD CGC (9 years)
Fallchase Magic Marker (12 years)
CH Fallchase Tucker The Remarkable CD (12 years)
Loralei's Quick Draw JH, WC (15.5 years)
Loralei's Sundance Kid
Loralei Meadow Sky (13 years)
Loralei Magik's Texas Ranger (11.5 years)
Loralei Gold Rush Frisco (9 years)
Loralei Paniola Kona (12.5 years)
Rex Glass
Loralei's Desperado CD (12.5 years)
Loralei's Croccodile Kid CGC CCA OD (11.5 years)
Loralei's Aborignal Original CD, U-CD, CGC, U-Ag1, RN (13.5 years)
AM CH Lycinan's Big Bang CDX JH WC VC OS (13.5 years)
Lycinan's Rotten To The Core
Lycinan's Claim To Gold (10 years)
Lycinan Eldorado's Aurora
SHR Lycinan PlezBtheOne 4 BeKens CDX RE TDX JH AX AXJ VCD2 WCX CCA VCX CGC RATI RATN (12.5 years)
Loralei's Quick Draw JH, WC (15.5 years)
Loralei's Sundance Kid
Loralei Meadow Sky (13 years)
Loralei Magik's Texas Ranger (11.5 years)
Loralei Gold Rush Frisco (9 years)
Loralei Paniola Kona (12.5 years)
Rex Glass
Loralei's Desperado CD (12.5 years)
Gemini's Alpine Weekend
Alpine's Walk In The Park
Alpine Gemini Ruegen Rules
Alpine's Gemini Weekend Pleasure
Alpine's Island Girl BN RN CGC CCA
Alpine Goldrox Weekend Warrior CGC (11.5 years)
MBIS MBISS MBVISS GCHG Gemini Fallchase The Butler Did It OS SDHF BISS CGC (#1 Golden Retriever 2011) (11.5 years)
Int CH Fallchase Gemini Perfect Timing
BIS BISS Am CH Rush Hill's Winner Take All SDHF OS (12.5 years)
Duckabush Take Cooper Pride CD RE MX MXJ AXP MJP NFP
CH Fallchase Gemini Markquise Diamond NAJ OD CGC (9 years)
Int'l Ch Fallchase Gemini's High Stakes (11 years)
Fallchase Magic Marker (12 years)
CH Fallchase Tucker The Remarkable CD (12 years)
Am CH/MBIS Int CH Fallchase Mile Marker BOSS
BVSW CH Gemini's Onehundred and Ten Prozent CGC
CH Gemini Crescent Over The Limit (10 years)
CH Gemini's In Hot Pursuit RN JH CGC VC (7 years)
CH Tangleloft The Heat Is On SDHF, OS
Tangleloft Turnin' Up The Heat
Tangleloft Rainstorm Layla MX MXJ CGC (14.5 years)
INT CH Gemini's Xquisite Sensations OD
Gemini's Xception to the Rule
Intl Ch Gemini's Kilkenny Colleen CCA, CD, RN, CGC
Intl Ch Gemini's River Dance
Gemini's Celtic Orlaith (6 years)
Gemini's Xtremely Nchantng Emmy CCA CD RE NA NAF OF CGC
Gemini's Xtra Hot and Spicey
CH Gemini's Bonnie Shasta Daisy CD,RN,TDI, CGC
BVIS Am/Int CH Gemini's Chants To Xcel SDHF, BISS, OS (9 years)
BISS Am/Int. Ch. Gemini's X-Static BISS, CGC (7 years)
CH Gemini's Lucky Charm

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