
Golden Retriever

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CanCH International USA CH Wilbert Of The Hellacious Acres

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

CanCH International USA CH Wilbert Of The Hellacious Acres (AKC SR79907302 (9-15))
VetCH Winchester Of The Hellacious Acres (AKC SR79907301)
Int Sh Ch, Dutch / Danish / German/ VDH Champion Noah of the Hellacious Acres Ejgs'12, NJK, DJK, VHD
Dt. Vet.Ch. Club (GRC) Niatross of the Hellacious Acres
Belg Sh Ch, VDH Ch, Su(u)Ch, Lux JCh. Dewmist Servantes Belgian Topwinning golden 2008
C.I.E SEU(U)CH DKUCH DKW-09 Dewmist Serendipity
Swe.Sh.Ch Dewmist Serenissima Obedience Champion
Dewmist Serrido SE VCH (S65040/2005)
SE U(U)CH Dewmist Serrania (S65044/2005)
HSCH Dewmist Serendica Derby winner
NORDUCH, FinW-09 Dewmist Serrano (FCI S65039/2005)
SU(U)CH NORDV-03 NUCH, VWW-08 Erinderry Gaelic Minstrel (Other KCSB1901CN)
Erinderry Gaelic Summer (Other U48952)
Erinderry Harry Potter of Ventess (AKC SR09242701 (11/03))
Erinderry Gaelic Song
Erinderry Gaelic Mist
Erinderry Gaelic Breeze
Erinderry Hannah of Salako
Erinderry Hamlet
Sh. Ch. Erinderry Gaelic Gold Of Glenavis (Other KC Reg. AA00427703)
Erinderry Hercules
Vice-WW'03, ChSwe, Den, Pl, Lv Dewmist Shaquille LvW'07
Can Ch Dewmist Stromboli (CKC 1073719)
N UCH Dewmist Shaughnessy (Other S51614/2000)
SV-02 SU(U)CH Dewmist Stravinsky (Other Swed KC S51609/2000)
IL.CH Dewmist Samurai (FCI S51613/2000)
Nl., German Ch. Philomena of the Hellacious Acres
Porthos of the Hellacious Acres
Padraig of the Hellacious Acres
Panthea of the Hellacious Acres
Phyllis of the Hellacious Acres
International, French, Luxembourg Ch. Taram du Bois de la Rayere (FCI LOF8RET.GOL. 044954)
Too Much du Bois de la Ray?re
Vice Et Versa du Bois de la Rayere
Tartuffe du Bois de la Ray?re
Tasha du Bois de la Rayere
International Sh Ch / Dutch / German / VDH / Danish Ch. Ramchaine Green Glitter
Eng Sh Ch. Ramchaine Green Glow By Fenwood JW (KCSB 1145CR)
Ramchaine Green Glint
Ramchaine Green Glaze
Ramchaine Green Glitz
Morwenna of the Hellacious Acres
Swiss Ch, Int Ch, C.I.B. Mitchell of the Hellacious Acres (FCI LOF 115720/13184)
Morisson of the Hellacious Acres
Mathilda of the Hellacious Acres
ICh, Fr.Ch, German, VDH, Lux. Ch, Lux. JCh Inassicas Coriander
UCH Inassicas Wild Tulip
SE U(U)CH NO UCH Cheer's Way Of The World (Other S39115/93)
Cheer's Why Me (Other SwedKC # S39118/93)
Cheer's Walk About (Other SwedKC # S39114/93)
Cheer's Would I Lie To You (Other SwedKC # S39116/93)
Cheer's Water Delight (Other SwedKC # S39117/93)
Cheer's Willy Nilly (Other SwedKC # S39119/93)
V-WW'98, NORDV-94 NUCH NORDV-99 Cheer's What's New (Other SwedKC # S39120/93)
Inassicas Sea Mayweed (Other Swed KC S37561/97)
Int, VDH, German, Swe, Lux, Dutch Ch. Martha of the Hellacious Acres (Other 2469952 - Dutch)
Victoria of the Hellacious Acres (Other NHSB 2352550)
Marcella of the Hellacious Acres
JCh Sansue Hi'Land Storm (Other NHSB 2025808 Dutch)
Sansue Columbine Of Elswood
Sansue Candytuft at Blenstone
Sansue Crown Imperial
Sansue Cedar of Braidwynn
Sansue Hi'land Spring
Sansue Hi'land Prince Of Argosland
Sansue Hi'land Dance
German Ch. Bows of the Hellacious Acres (Other NHSB 2028861)
Biggles of the Hellacious Acres (Other NHSB)
Dutch Ch., Ger. Ch., VDH Ch., Lux.Ch. Bibi-Blues of The Hellacious Acres Winster 99, Worldch. 00 (Other NHSB)
EW'95, Dutch Ch, German; VDH; Luxembourg Ch; Blissfull of The Hellacious Acres EuropaSieger (Other NHSB 1828859)
Big Secret of the Hellacious Acres (Other NHSB 1828856)
Buttons of the Hellacious Acres (Other NHSB)
Dutch Ch., Multi Ch. Bubbles of the Hellacious Acres (Other NHSB)
Born To Be of the Hellacious Acres (Other NHSB)
Blue-Eyes of the Hellacious Acres

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