
Golden Retriever

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Lorraine's Unforgettable Magic Melody

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Lorraine's Unforgettable Magic Melody
Lorraine's Unforgettable Invisible Iniko (FCI A2/A2)
Lorraine's Unforgettable Imortal Dream
Lorraine's Unforgettable Imp Ivory Jack (A2/A2)
Lorraine's Unforgettable Invicible Ike (A2/A2)
Lorraine's Unforgettable Inviting Linus (B2/B2)
Lorraine's Unforgettable Imagine Isleen (B2/B2)
Lorraine's Unforgettable Immortal Flame (A2/A2)
Lorraine's Unforgettable Incredible Lara (A2/A2)
Lorraine's Unforgettable Irish Joke Tara
Lorraine's Unforgettable Irresistible Ivy (A2/A2)
Lorraine's Unforgettable Magic Magan (B1/A2)
Lorraine's Unforgettable Magic Madlyn (B1/B1)
Lorraine's Unforgettable Magic Murphy (A2/A2)
Lorraine's Unforgettable Magic Masha (C1/C2)
Dt. CH VDH & Club Dreamweaver of Redpine (B 1)
D.CH Dreamweaver or Redpine (HD-B 1)
DKCH Toto Of Graceful Delight (A1)
Tom Petty of Graceful-Delight
Tequila Sunrise of Graceful-Delight
Think Twice of Graceful-Delight (B2)
Tracy Chapman of Graceful-Delight (B2)
Deutscher Champion DRC Club u.VDH Travis of Graceful Delight Dt.CH mit Arbeitspr?fung,Luxemburgischer CH (B1)
Dt.Ch. Tangerine Dream of Graceful Delight (B2)
WW-00 EuW-00 FinW-99 ITW-00 PLW-00 C.I.B. Fi Ch Lorinford Harlequin Top Winning Golden 1999&2000 in Finland (B/B (3/11/1994))
Lorinford Holly Hobble (BVA Hip Score 7:3)
Lorinford Halfpenny At Hydanthe (BVA Hip Score 3:6)
Lorinford Leona (BVA Hip Score 14:13)
Dt.Ch. Kerrin of Graceful Delight (B2)
Kavanagh of Graceful Delight (C1)
My Mellow Yellow of Redpine (HD-A 1996)
Amblemere Magician (A)
Dainty Mae of Redpine (A 1)
D, VDH.CH, Clubsieger Dear Darenca of Redpine (HD-B1, 1989)
Int.,D.,VDH.CH, Clubsieger Dandylion of Redpine (HD-B 1989)
Delightful Diona of Redpine (C 1)
Lorraine's Unforgettable Flame Jewel (B1)
Lorraines Unforgettable Fynn Flanagan (A2/A2)
DK CH Eplegutten av Vervik (0/0)
NuCh. Epleskrotten Av Vervik
SU(U)CH NUCH Eplepai av Vervik (A/A (2002))
Epleboom av Vervik
Multi Ch & Multi W Tottelina Observer (A/A (2000))
Tottelina Opera
CanCH Tottelina Orchestra (OFA GR-81041G47M-NOPI)
2xCAC, R.CAC Tottelina Orchid In Snow (B/B(199?))
Tottelina Othello
ChFin Tottelina Oaktown Oliver (0/0)
NUCH Dasty Golden Daffodil (A (199?))
Dasty Buttercup
Dasty Chamomile
Dasty Lily of the Valley (UA (3/10/1997))
Enie Sarah of Golden Gambler (B1/B1)
Lorraine's unforgettable Ambassador (B2)
Abigail of Golden Gambler (B1/B1)

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