
Golden Retriever

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Glamour Shine Goal Scorer

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Glamour Shine Goal Scorer
Glamour Shine Everyday I'm Shuffling
Glamour Shine Endless Happiness
Glamour Shine Evening Visitor
Glamour Shine Eternal Flame
Glamour Shine Enormous Bravery
Glamour Shine Gloss It Up
Glamour Shine Goalkeeper
Glamour Shine Greatest Love Of 'em All
Glamour Shine Club Can't Handle Me
Glamour Shine Cool Guys Don't Cry
Glamour Shine CSI Investigator
Glamour Shine Can You Feel The Love Tonight
Glamour Shine Can't Take My Eyes Off You
Glamour Shine Crazy Little Thing Called Love (13 years)
Glamour Shine Engraved In Stone
CH.CRO. JCH.CRO. VET.CH.CRO. Dreams Come True Happy Company CRO.VCW'17, CRO.VCW'18, BISS WINNER (15.5 years)
Junior CH Daughter Of Sun Happy Company
Diferent Way Happy Company
Daily Pleasure Happy Company
Meloak Dancing Storm
Meloak Dancing Cloud
Meloak Dancing Monsoon
Meloak Dancing Sky at Gemmarique JW
Meloak Dancing Strike 2 CC's, BOB & RBIS
Meloak Dancing Tempest
Meloak Dancing Twister
Eng.Sh.Ch Erinderry Just The Ticket from Bluewaters JW (13 years)
Su Ch & Nor Ch Erinderry Jacobite
Erinderry Jenny Wren
Erinderry Just Jasmine for Applebrook
Sh Ch Gunhills Dancing Mandolin of Meloak JW
Gunhills Dancing Dudley
Gunhills Dancing Dream Of Wheatcroft
NLCh, NLVCh, rVWW Gunhills Dancing Dexter (13.5 years)
Gunhills Dancing Trumpet to Coombstock (11 years)
Gunhills Dancing Delilha
ICH, MCH, MJCH, SK Grand CH Nice Brad Happy Company Club winner, Junior Club winner, BIS working dog (14 years)
Junior CH Nice Haley Happy Company
CH Nice Lilly Happy Company
CH Nice Sean Happy Company
ICH, Multi CH, Nat.Work.Ch Erinderry King Of The Blues Working Test - 2xCACT
Ir Sh Ch Erinderry Kashia Star
Erinderry Kashia Brave
Hoiker's Atractive Nuisanse (5 years)
ICH, MCH, JCH Hoiker's Abracadabra Club Junior winner, BIS Working dog (10 years)
ICH, MCh, JCH Hoiker's Around the Clock TOP Slovenian GR, Club winner, Club Junior winner
hoiker's amerikan express
JCH SK,JCH CZ,CH SK,CH CZ,CH PL,CH HU, Gran. CH Hoiker's Art of Love
ICH, MCH Hoiker's Amy Ful Of Fun
Hoiker's Athena Rose
Charming Eyes V.I.M. team (13 years)
Can-Can Lady V.I.M. Team
Chloe V.I.M. Team
Goodnight Wish V.I.M. Team
Junior Ch., Ch.Hr. Lazy Dreamer V.I.M. Team
Cro.Ch. Bumble - Bee V.I.M. Team
Love Hurts V.I.M. Team
Jr. Ch. HR, Slov Latino Lover V.I.M. Team
International, French, Luxembourg Ch. Taram du Bois de la Rayere (10.5 years)
Too Much du Bois de la Ray?re
Vice Et Versa du Bois de la Rayere
Tartuffe du Bois de la Ray?re
Tasha du Bois de la Rayere
Junior Ch., Ch.Hr. Arenaria
JCh Cro Arabis (2002, son of Karvin Zaicca)
St. Helen V.I.M. Team
Int.Ch. Nuclear Hit of the Hellacious Acres
Ger. CH. Nose To Nose of The Hellacious Acres
JWW'95 Nigel of the Hellacious Acres
Napoleon of the Hellacious Acres
Nevada of the Hellacious Acres
New York of the Hellacious Acres
No Dreams of the Hellacious Acres
No Scruples of the Hellacious Acres
Eden (Galans Vagabund x Bondocfoldi Kitti)

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