
Golden Retriever

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Jumping Jura Of Eager Spirit

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Jumping Jura Of Eager Spirit
Amazing Arran Of Eager Spirit
Great Glenfiddich Of Eager Spirit
Tasty Tormore Of Eager Spirit
Brave Bowmore Of Eager Spirit
Bold Ben Nevis Of Eager Spirit
Smokey Scapa Of Eager Spirit
Lucky Littlemill Of Eager Spirit
Dainty Dimple Of Eager Spirit
Clockburn Boris
Clockburn Bliss
FTAW Clockburn Clyde
Brightfoot Kit
Kingsteary Pierce
Darnaway Ranulf
Fleet Raedmund
Ghillie Dollarbank
Glenmazeron Jock
Kylachie Frewin
FTW Greenfoot Barra
Greenfoot Buick
Eval Trevorgie
Blackcraig Arran of Clockburn
Blackcraig Eagle
Blackcraig Greenfinch
Blackcraig Muldoon
Blackcraig Raven
Gortons Wolf Whistler of Clockburn
Gortons Maid the Mist
Gortons Spring Melody of Warpersmoss
Gortons Eye of the Storm
Barnstormer Beauty of Blackcraig
FTW Gleen Mhor's Faya (15 years)
Gleen Mhor's Jack The Ripper
DKBRCH. NOjCH Gleen Mhor's Niko
Gleen Mhor's Oskar
Gleen Mhor's Sidney (12.5 years)
Gleen Mhor's Sigurd
Gleen Mhor's Juventus
Gleen Mhor's Mandy
Gleen Mhor's Nele
Gleen Mhor's Rocket
Gleen Mhor's Jason Joker
Gleen Mhor's Louis
Gleen Mhor's Michel
Gleen Mhor's Peder
Gleen Mhor's Marnus
Gleen Mhor's Loke
DKWTCH Gleen Mhor's Mia
Gleen Mhor's Jule (1 years)
Gleen Mhor's Line
Gleen Mhor's Brandon
Gleen Mhor's Paul
Gleen Mhor's Zaki
Gleen Mhor's Islay
Gleen Mhor's Paige
Gleen Mhor's Pipilotta
Anouk of Enigmatic Patience (17.5 years)
Agent Luna of Enigmatic Patience
Akira of Enigmatic Patience
Aenny of Enigmatic Patience
Apple Jack of Enigmatic Patience
Ari of Enigmatic Patience
Amis of Enigmatic Patience
DK.BR.CH Clockburn Clooneen (14.5 years)
Clockburn Clonevin
Clockburn Cloonouragh
Clockburn Coolcran
Clockburn Curcullen
Clockburn Killacorrane
Clockburn Craghderry
Mc Nauth's Abigail
Gate My Melodie Of Golden Spirit
Genna my Melodie of Golden Spirit (14 years)
Ivar my Melodie of Golden Spirit (10.5 years)
Igor My Melodie of Golden Spirit (5 years)
Ivan Nero My Melodie Of Golden Spirit
Inas My Melodie of Golden Spirit
Ideal Max My Melodie of Golden Spirit (14 years)
Indiana Jones My Melodie of Golden Spirit (11 years)
Ima Luna My Melodie of Golden Spirit
Iines My Melodie of Golden Spirit (6.5 years)
DKWTCH. DKBRCH Ida Red My Melodie of Golden Spirit
Gerrit My Melodie of Golden Spirit
Grille My Melodie of Golden Spirit (7.5 years)
Genny My Melodie of Golden Spirit
Geisha My Melodie of Golden Spirit
Gladys My Melodie Of Golden Spirit
Gipsy My Melodie of Golden Spirit
Gina My Melodie of Golden Spirit (6.5 years)
Gill My Melodie of Golden Spirit
Boy Quiver Creek's Owlsburgh
HR Quiver Creeks Miss Molly JH WC (13 years)
Bewitched St. Paulie Girl Am/Can CD (10 years)
Bewitched Speaking of Tina
Red of Quiver Creek SH WC (12 years)
Gleen Mhor's Awe (11.5 years)
Gleen Mhor's Tay
Gleen Mhor's Amy
Gleen Mhor's Dee
Gleen Mhor's Howie
Gleen Mhor's Niel
Gleen Mhor's Drunkie
Gleen Mhor's Buie

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