
Golden Retriever

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Goldenvillas Native Sun CanWC

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Goldenvillas Native Sun CanWC (CKC CL211803)
Goldenvillas Northern Sun (CKC CL211806)
CanCH Amberac's Hoot'n Andy (AKC SM868654/03)
Am. CH Amberac's Sharpshoot'n Dude (AKC SM86865406)
Amberac's Granfaloot'N Hary O (AKC SM868654/02)
Am. CH. Sunshine Hill's Nat'l Cowboy OS SDHF (AKC SF672612 (7/90))
Am CH Goldenbear Inky Dink (AKC SF539320)
Am/Can Ch Sunshine Hill's True Grit OS (AKC SC996753 (1/82))
Ch. Sunshinehill Oakhaven Chase (AKC SD366940)
Can./Am. CH Copper Lee Chase The Clouds OS (AKC SC993609 (1-82))
Am./Can. CH Sunshinehill Lad O'Sunnybrae (AKC SD094743 (12-81))
Sunshinehill Wimsical Wisper (AKC SD-133661)
Sunshinehill Copper Lee Lil (AKC SD131018)
CH Goldenbear's Catch the Wave OD (AKC SF137788 (9/89))
Am. CH Amberac Be-Top-Alu-Ba OD (AKC SF196385)
Amberac Topmeif U Kan (AKC SF171655)
CanCH Amberac Rocky Top Tennessee (AKC SF-172508)
Am. CH Amberac Denlar's Topper CDX (AKC SF172663)
Amberac's Top Billing (AKC SF-169082)
Am. CH. Amberac's Goin' Topsy-Turvy (AKC SF171653 (3-90))
BISS Am CH Asterling Go Getm Gangbuster OS SDHF (AKC SE219851 (5/87))
Am./Can. CH. Asterlings Ghostbuster (AKC SE227965)
Am CH Asterling's Buster Keaton OS (AKC SE372337 (11/86))
Am CH Asterlings Stardust Buster OD (AKC SE241705)
Am CH Asterling's Just Buster Loose CD OD (AKC SE237198 (12/87))
Am. CH Asterling's Trust Buster CD (AKC SE-239985)
Am. CH Asterlings Filly Buster (AKC SE-325955)
Am. CH. Amberac Isshe Myne OD (AKC SE227136 (7-88))
Am Ch Amberac's I C Ribbons OD (AKC SE177056)
Amberac I'm Askin' Towyn (AKC SE-227134)
Amberac's Itzy Bitz (AKC SE-227133)
Amberac's Indian Summer Sun TD (AKC SE-207909)
Amberac Izzy Furreal (AKC SE-227135)
Kinghamhil's Cotton Candy CanWC (CKC YS957315)
Kinghamhil's Step Aside
Can OTCH Wynwood Note Bene AmUD CanWC (CKC 1015488)
Wynwoods Sr Riley Gold CD (AKC SE982223 (2-89))
Am./Can. CH. Meadowpond Sugarbear Hondo Am./Can. CDX OS (AKC SC262834 (5/1979))
Am./Can. CH. Sugarbear's Echo of Hilkirk Am./Can. CD Can. WC (AKC SC-276822)
Am/Can Ch Sugarbear's Shannon Boy CD (AKC SC298073 (8-79))
Can. CH. Sugarbear Chelsea Holiday WC; Am./Can. CD (AKC SC266184)
Wynwood's Autumn Scholar Am./Can. CDX (AKC SD536149)
Jaybar Head Over Heels Am./Can. CDX Can. WC (AKC SF255428)
NAFC FC AFC Topbrass Cotton OS FDHF (AKC SC525135 (12/80))
Topbrass Sammamish Slew OD (AKC SC589823)
Topbrass Kinetic Kelly (AKC SB977915 (12-82))
OTCH Topbrass Ric O Shay Barty Can CD WCX OS OBHF (AKC SC000913 (11-81))
Topbrass Misdemeanor CD TD (AKC SC028552 (10/79))
Topbrass Blazen Baron ** (AKC SC683726)
Topbrass Markin Masterpiece *** (AKC SB979889)
Topbrass Sugar and Spice UD TDX (AKC SC685463)
Topbrass Custer ** (AKC SB981631)
Topbrass Patriot CDX TDX (AKC SC513919)
Topbrass Apple Of My Eye CD (AKC SC714840)
Topbrass Taco Belle (AKC SC933339)
Topbrass Malcairn's Zephyr UD ** WCX (AKC SC501375)
Topbrass War Cloud (AKC SC677490)
Topbrass Yogi Bear CD (AKC SC709172)
FC AFC Topbrass Mandy OD FDHF (AKC SC152486 (2/1979))
Topbrass Tahi Choki (AKC SC982096 (9/1982))
Topbrass Win Of Fox Creek WC (AKC SC491620 (6-81))
Topbrass Butter Up (AKC SC707359 (6/1981))
Topbrass Floating Kelp Bed ** (AKC SC682336)
Topbrass Entropy (AKC SD178458)
Topbrass KC Frontrunner (AKC SC687134)
Topbrass Katy (AKC SD312145 (6-82))
Hi-Hope's Ginger Brandy CD WCX *** OD (AKC SD570660)
Hi-Hopes Showboat Dancer CanCD

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