
Golden Retriever

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Kenzanne Dirty Dancing CCD. RM. ET

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Kenzanne Dirty Dancing CCD. RM. ET (4/3)
Neut Ch Euraidd Sugar Daddy CDX NRA RA (1:1)
Aust. CH. Euraidd Just A Gigolo UD (6.6)
Avonbreeze Heedless (A.I.) (1:5)
Aust. Ch. Avonbreeze Prudent (AI) (6:3)
Avonbreeze Wayward
Avonbreeze Reckless
Aust Ch Ramgold Ricotta (6.7)
Ramgold Riverdance Aust CDX
Ramgold Roanokee (5.3)
Ramgold Radiance (4.6)
AUST CH Ramgold Radish (1.4)
Euraidd Spring Time CD (5.6)
Oaklodge Raphael (6.5)
Euraidd Water Willow (2.4)
Euraidd Regatta CD
Euraidd Richochet Aust CD Aust CDX
Aust. CH Euraidd Reminiscing (Unknown 2:1)
Euraidd Water Lily Aust CDX (Unknown 5:4)
Kenzanne Living Doll NRA QND RN (1:2)
Kenzanne Southern Maid (1:1)
Kenzanne Trade Winds (BVA 1:2)
Australian Ch. Golden Rose-Bay's Drummerboy (Unknown Hip Score 1:1)
Golden Rose-Bay's Dulcimer CGC (BVA 5:7)
Golden Rose-Bay's Didgeridoo
Golden Rose-Bay's Double Reed
Golden Rose-Bay's Donna
Golden Rose-Bay's Doris (HD B1)
Golden Rose-Bay's Diana
Eng Sh Ch Goldenquest Ambassador JW (BVA 3+2)
Goldenquest Anastasia (12:13)
Goldenquest Bianca
Goldenquest Fantasia
Goldenquest Tobias
Goldenquest Mastermind
Goldenquest Commander
Espressivo v.d. Beerse Hoeve (HD B1)
Dutch Ch., Ger. Ch., VDH Ch. Cadenza v.d. Beerse Hoeve JW '98 Europasieger '01
WW'03, AW ''01, German VDH-champion Intermezzo v.d Beerse Hoeve (B1)
Aust Ch Kaparla in the Winners Circle RN (1:0)
Aust Ch Kaparla Winner Takes All
Aust Gr & NZ Champion Kaparla Wicketkeeper (3:3)
Kaparla Classic Catch (AI)
Aust Ch Kaparla Nightwatchman
Aust CH Kaparla Classic Catch (BVA 6/6)
Aust Ch Kaparla Guilty As Charged (3:1)
Aust Ch Kaparla Legal Eagle

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