
Golden Retriever

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Cam-Gua Landlord with all the wishes

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Cam-Gua Landlord with all the wishes
Ch. Gua Ag-Golden Age Fred Ordway
Ag - Golden Age Joan Or?
Ag - Golden Age Isaac Newton
Ag - Golden Age Galileo Galilei
Ch. Col. Ag - Golden Age Susan Jocelyn Bell
Ch. Jo. Ch. Gr. Ch. Col. Ag - Golden Age Henrrietta Swan
BISS Am. Ch. Faera's Starlight OS
CH Gangway Faeras Beam of Light
Faera's Let There Be Light
Faera's Light The Horizon
Gangway Faeras Lightning Bug
BIS BISS Am CH Twin-Beau-D's Peterbuilt OS SDHF (9 years)
Twin-Beau-D's All the Rave
Twin-Beau-D Scorpio's Dream
Am CH. Twin-Beau-D's Bonnie Bedelia SDHF (12 years)
Faera's Sweet Caroline OD
Faera's Cracklin' Rosie OD
Faera's Play Me
Faera's I Am...I Said OD (10.5 years)
BIS BISS Am. CH Faera's The Story Of My Life OS SDHF
Faera's Headed For The Future (9 years)
BISS Am CH/Can CH. Faera's Front Page Story SDHF
Am. CH. Faera's Done Too Soon (11 years)
Faera's Walk On Water At Calusa
Ch Faera's Courtin' Disaster W'Tainsh
Faera's Solitary Man
Faera's I'm A Believer
Ch. Faera's Forever In Blue Jeans (8.5 years)
CH Faera's Hello Again
Am. CH Faera's Longfellow Serenade
Ch. Col. Ag-Golden Age Juana Manso
Col CH. Ag-Golden Age Azucena de Villaflor
Ch. Ec. Ag-Golden Age Alfonsina Storne
Camp. Mex Golden Age Victoria Ocampo
Ag-Golden Age Martin Fierro (7.5 years)
WW'06, Am CH/ Col CH&GCH/ Arg CH&GCH. Ag-Golden Age Diamond Intican OS SDHF (9 years)
Gr. Ch. Ec. Ag-Golden Age Cuarzo'Intican
J.Ch.Braz. Ag-Golden Age Zafira' Intican
Ch. Col. Ag - Golden Age Onix Intican
Golden Age Melibea of The Autumn
Ch.Gua, de Mex Mund ?07 Beyond Frontiers of Landlord
Ch. Gua, Sal Absolute Diamond of Landlord
Ch. Gua, Sal, Mex, Lat, Inter For Ever Yours of Landlord
WW'06, Am CH/ Col CH&GCH/ Arg CH&GCH. Ag-Golden Age Diamond Intican OS SDHF (9 years)
Gr. Ch. Ec. Ag-Golden Age Cuarzo'Intican
J.Ch.Braz. Ag-Golden Age Zafira' Intican
Ch. Col. Ag - Golden Age Onix Intican
Ch. Col. Mex. Pe.Ecu.Int. Multi BIS. Golden Age Gorca's Cristobal Colon (13.5 years)
Golden Age Gorca's Clarins
Golden Age Gorca's Carola Herrera
Golden Age Gorca's Roberta di C.
Ch.Ec./Ch.Col./VJAC Just Do It D'Euramerika
Ch. Ec. VJAC. In your Dreams D'Euramerika
Ch. Gua, Sal, Hon, Int. Lat. CA. Abbsolute Essence of Landlord
Ch. Gua, Sal, Int. Lat. CA. Ultimate Dejavu of Landlord (15.5 years)
Ch. Gua,Sal,Hon, Int., CA. Gold-Rush Oliver of Vanreel (8.5 years)
Casey Girl Loeser
Ch. Gua, Mex, Sal, Hon Mystar Angel For Landlord

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