
Golden Retriever

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Wallwood's Take It To The Limit Kc

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Wallwood's Take It To The Limit Kc (AKC SR84527106)
Wallwood's First Snow Of Winter (AKC SR84527107)
Wallwood's Don't Think Twice, It's All Right (AKC SR84527105)
BPIS MBISS BVISS GCH CH Relay's Tee It Hi - N - Let It Fly JH WCX BVISS (AKC SR69565101)
Relay's NZ Fly-Fisher's Emerald Waters (AKC SR69565102)
Relay N Flyways Grand Slam (AKC SR69565107)
RBIS BVIS OHBIS BISS BVISS GCHS CH UCH Forevers Quest for Atlantis SDHF (AKC SR52068509)
MBIS MRBIS MBISS AM GCH Forever's All Jacked Up RN CGC SDHF OS (AKC SR68858201)
Ch Forever Runnymede One More Last Chance (AKC SR688582/04)
MBISS GCH CH Forever Grand Cayman MBISS (AKC SR52068502)
Ch Forever Miss Hawaiian Tropic (AKC SR52068504)
PRC-CH Forever's The Whole Shebang (AKC SR68858203)
Forever Just Smile (AKC SR68858202)
Forever Annapolis 66 (AKC SR52068503)
BIS BISS BVISS Am GCH CH Rush Hill's All Fools On Deck SDHF OS (AKC SR18689602 (5-06))
Rush Hill's Nobody's Fool (AKC SR186896/03)
Rush Hill's Who's the Fool Now (AKC SR186896/01)
CH. My Buddy's Coco Cabana Banana OD (AKC SR35626206)
My Buddy's Orange U Glad (AKC SR35626207)
My Buddy's Blue 'N Gold CD RN (AKC SR35626203)
KaraGold's What Golds Round Comes Round BISS (AKC SR35626201)
BOSS Ch. My Buddy's Pretty In Pink RN, WC, VC, OD (AKC SR35626208)
My Buddy's Ain't E-Z Bein' Green CD JH RE WC CGC (AKC SR35626209)
MBIS MBISS GCH CH SHR My Buddy's Boppity-Bop Blue Moon CD JH DJ RA WC VC SDHF OS CGC (AKC SR35626202 (2-09))
My Buddy's Unsinkable Molly Brown (AKC SR35626205)
BVIS CH Relay's Just Over the GWB BVISS (AKC SR34455401)
U-CH, CH Flyway's Govinda Houdini JH OA OAJ WC VC (AKC SN73696107 (12-04))
Flyways Whats A Blond To Do CD,RE,CCA (AKC SN736961/01)
BVIS BVISS CH Goldstorm Lead'N the Relay JH WC (MBVISS) (AKC SR04989301)
Goldstorm Touch'd By 'N Angel (AKC SR04989302)
CH Wallwood's Take It Easy (AKC SR61581801)
BIS BISS GCHG Am/Can Ch. Venture's Boys N Toys SDHF, OS, BISS (AKC SR42759001)
CH Venture Karagold's Play'N W'Big Boys (AKC SR42759002)
Venture's Boys Race to the Top CD, RE, NA, OAJ
Venture Redog Boys will Be Boys (AKC SR42759003)
BISS Am Ch Happy Hr Highmark Bad News Bears CDX SH AX AXJ OF WCX SDHF OS VCX (AKC SN93409202)
Happy Hour Highmark League of Her Own
Happy Hour Highmark Badder Up (AKC SN93409201 (6-04))
Happy Hour Highmark I Have A Dream (AKC SR14391001)
Am-Can CH Karagold's Whistlin N'the Wind CD RN OD (AKC SN885558/01)
Karagold's Spice O Life Triumphant CD CCA (AKC SR12265802)
Karagold Liebchen Phorever N' Bluejeans (AKC SR12265807)
CH KaraGold?s Phee Phi Pho Phun RN WC VC OD CGC (AKC SR12265801)
Wallwood's Peaceful Easy Feeln (AKC SR42094101)
Zebulon Trekker of Mount Rosa
Twojake O Woodlake
Riley Bear Snickerdoodle
Sierra II
BISS Am. CH. Seeshaw Dylans Evening Blaze SH WCX Am OS Can OS (AKC SN39868706 (5/99))
Seeshaw's E B Dream (AKC SN276964/02)
Seeshaw's Golden Pilikia (AKC SN276964/03)
Seeshaw-Firestar Snobal N'Hel (AKC SN666634/01)
Seeshaw-Firestar (AKC SN666634/03)
Seeshaw-Firestar Hel's Apopn (AKC SN666634/04)
Seeshaw Breckenridge Pogie (AKC SN398687/01)
Seeshaw Java (AKC SN398687/02)
Seeshaw Chaco Canyon CD AX OAP AXJ OJP (AKC SN398687/05)
Am. CH. Seeshaw's Rebelle W-O A Paws (AKC SN276964/01)
Am. CH. Seeshaw-Firestar Hell-O-Apollo OA OAJ (AKC SN666634/05)
Sunrise Ponderosa Frolic (AKC SR06513817)

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