
Golden Retriever

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Zampanzar Royal Mojito

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Zampanzar Royal Mojito (FCI 0:0)
Zampanzar What's Up (0/0)
SE U(U)CH Zampanzar I Wanna Be Around (0/0)
DK.CH.U Zampanzar All I Know (0/0)
Zampanzar Send Me An Angel (0/0)
Zampanzar Time Over (0/0)
CH. Poland Zampanzar Soul Of My Soul (FCI 0/0)
Zampanzar Now and Forever
Ch. Zampanzar Close To You (FCI 0/0)
ViceEW`17, InterCh, ChUA,LIT,PL,BUL,MOL,BES/JChUA,RUS,MOL,BES/WIN MOL/BBB/GrChUA,SuperGrChUA Zampanzar Green Tango JChBreed'15, ChBreed`16, JChEURASIA'15, JChMEEU`15, LITRC`16, CQ`15,`16 (FCI 0)
Zampanzar Rain of Melody (FCI 0)
Zampanzar Vanity Fair
Zampanzar Ebony Rose (FCI 0/0)
Eng.Sh.Ch. , Lux. Ch. Zampanzar Say It Again Shardanell JW (BVA 0/0)
Zampanzar Milky Way (BVA Elbow Score 0:0)
Zampanzar As You Wish
Spain CH. Zampanzar Baby Love (0/0 (CERT 2010))
Ch. Spain + C.I.E. Zampanzar Smooth Melody (0:0)
Gr. Sh. CH. Zampanzar New Heaven (0/0)
Eng.Sh.Ch Shardanell Castaspell JW (BVA Elbow Score 0:0)
Shardanell Living Doll
Shardanell Forget Me Not
Shardanell Ruby Tulip (OFA GR-EL12296F32-PI)
Eng.Sh Ch Shardanell Talk O' The Town at Ipcress (BVA 0:0)
Shardanell Daisychain via Ipcress
Ipcress Sir Thomas
Ipcress Over the Moon
Ipcress Reach for the Moon
Lovehayne Scarlet Sage For Shardanell
Lovehayne Saxifraga at Dasmaks
Lovehayne Shasta Daisy
Lovehayne Sir Galahad
Lovehayne Sir Percy
Lovehayne Uncle Albert
Lovehayne Uncle Charles
Lovehayne Uncle Harry
Lovehayne Uncle Sam
Lovehayne Uncle Silas
Lovehayne Uncle Tom
Lovehayne Unique
Lovehayne Uptown Girl
SPA CH, PT CH Zampanzar Sky At Night (0)
Zampanzar Finn Shadow
Zampanzar Samsara's Eyes (BVA 0 - 0)
Azores Winner'07 Zampanzar Night And Day (0:0)
C.I.E , SPA/PT/GBZ CH Zampanzar Step By Step (BVA 0:0)
Trialer, INT/SPA CH Zampanzar Fly Away
Zampanzar Kiss of Life (0/0)
SU(U)CH NORDV-03 NUCH, VWW-08 Erinderry Gaelic Minstrel
Erinderry Gaelic Summer
Erinderry Harry Potter of Ventess
Erinderry Gaelic Song
Erinderry Gaelic Mist
Erinderry Gaelic Breeze
Erinderry Hannah of Salako
Erinderry Hamlet
Sh. Ch. Erinderry Gaelic Gold Of Glenavis
Erinderry Hercules
EW'02,04/Fr/IB/Spain/GBZ/Sweden/Nor. CH Samsara of Glen Sheallag TRIALER (0-0)
SPA CH Script Girl of Glen Sheallag (BVA 0:0)
SPA CH Zampanzar First Time (FCI 0/0)
Junior Clubwinner 2007 (Spain) Zampanzar Cold Play (FCI 0-0)
INT CH, FR CH Twenty Seven Charm du Domaine desRives de l'Erdre (FCI 0/0)
Tarti-Flette du Domaine des Rives de l'Erdre
Tess du Domaine des Rives de l'Erdre
ICH, CH de France Twist Again du Domaine desRives de l'Erdre (ED 0/0)
Eng. Sh. Ch. Stanroph So It Had To Be KCJW (BVA Elbow Score 0:0)
LUX JCH Stanroph So It's a Miracle
Stanroph So Its A Mirage to Hollygold
Can. Ch. Stanroph So Its Wonderful (OFA GR EL6219F24 NOPI)
Stanroph Salome
Stanroph Sloberry
Stanroph Silence Is Golden
Swedish-Spanish-Lux-Gibraltar CH. Prime Time of Glen Sheallag
WW'01,EW'99,02, Multi & Int Ch, Ch Fr/Ger/Lux/Swi/VDH Paudell Pure Passion
Paudell Pippa
IntCh,ChFr Guldruschen's Up Side Down
Guldruschen's Hooked On A Feeling (Sweden Grade 1 (10/30/1997))
Guldruschen's Never Lose A Date
Guldruschen's Anything She Does (Sweden Artros U (11/26/1997))
Guldruschen's Just Like Jackie
Guldruschen's Ready Or Not
Guldruschen's Sequence Of Music

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